#!/usr/bin/env python """ Integration test for the producer module. """ import os import re import datetime from communicator import Communicator from consumerlocator import ConsumerLocator from messagesender import MessageSender from redisconnector import RedisConnector from pytest_redis import factories __author__ = "@dscharnitzky" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2020, GoldenPogácsa Team" __module_name__ = "integtest" __version__text__ = "1" generateduuid = '2fbff1f2-27e7-44c8-88d9-7348cee8c1c3' redis_proc = factories.redis_proc(host='cache', port=6379) redis_db = factories.redisdb('redis_nooproc') answer = "" def answermethod(Request): global answer answer = Request return "" def test_integration(httpserver): """ Tests the whole system. :param httpserver: simple HTTP server """ #Inint httpserver.expect_request( uri="/consumers", method='GET', data="").respond_with_json( ["localhost", "localhost", ""]) httpserver.expect_request( uri="/log", method='POST').respond_with_handler(answermethod) url = httpserver.url_for("/") port = re.match(r"\W*http[^:]*\D*(\d+)", url).group(1) comm = Communicator( currentconsumer=f"{port}", uuid=generateduuid) messagesender = MessageSender(communicator=comm, uuid=generateduuid) consumerlocator = ConsumerLocator(uuid=generateduuid, communicator=comm, redisconnector=RedisConnector()) #First test method consumerlocator.learnconsumerlist() conslist = consumerlocator.red.consumerlist assert len(conslist) == 3 #Mock in port numbers consrepllist = [] for consumer in conslist: newconsumer = {"Host": consumer["Host"]+":"+port, "State": consumer["State"], "LastOk": consumer["LastOk"]} consrepllist.append(newconsumer) consumerlocator.red.consumerlist = consrepllist conslist = consumerlocator.red.consumerlist #Second test method call consumerlocator.updateconsumerlist() conslist = consumerlocator.red.consumerlist error = False for consumer in conslist: if consumer["Host"] == "localhost:"+port and consumer["State"] is True: pass elif consumer["Host"] == ""+port and consumer["State"] is False: pass elif consumer["Host"] == ""+port and consumer["State"] is False: pass else: error = True assert error is False #Third test method call consumerlocator.updateconsumer() assert consumerlocator.red.currentconsumer["Host"] == "localhost:"+port messagesender.sendmessage() assert answer != ""