# Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Container Image This is a container Image of Apache ActiveMQ Artemis that can be used inside Kubernetes. # Environment variables Environment variables determine the options sent to `artemis create` on first execution of the Docker container. The available options are: **`ARTEMIS_USER`** The administrator username. The default is `artemis`. **`ARTEMIS_PASSWORD`** The administrator password. The default is `artemis`. **`ANONYMOUS_LOGIN`** Set to `true` to allow anonymous logins. The default is `false`. **`EXTRA_ARGS`** Additional arguments sent to the `artemis create` command. The default is `--http-host --relax-jolokia`. Setting this value will override the default. See the documentation on `artemis create` for available options. **Final broker creation command:** The combination of the above environment variables results in the `docker-run.sh` script calling the following command to create the broker instance the first time the Docker container runs: ${ARTEMIS_HOME}/bin/artemis create --user ${ARTEMIS_USER} --password ${ARTEMIS_PASSWORD} --silent ${LOGIN_OPTION} ${EXTRA_ARGS} Note: `LOGIN_OPTION` is either `--allow-anonymous` or `--require-login` depending on the value of `ANONYMOUS_LOGIN`. # Mapping point - `/var/lib/artemis-instance` It's possible to map a folder as the instance broker. This will hold the configuration and the data of the running broker. This is useful for when you want the data persisted outside of a container. # Lifecycle of the execution A broker instance will be created during the execution of the instance. If you pass a mapped folder for `/var/lib/artemis-instance` an image will be created or reused depending on the contents of the folder. ## Running the image The image just created in the previous step allows both stateless or stateful runs. The stateless run is achieved by: ``` $ docker run --rm -it -p 61616:61616 -p 8161:8161 artemis-centos ``` The image will also support mapped folders and mapped ports. To run the image with the instance persisted on the host: ``` docker run -it -p 61616:61616 -p 8161:8161 -v :/var/lib/artemis-instance artemis-centos ``` where `` is a folder where the broker instance is supposed to be saved and reused on each run.