kind: pipeline type: docker name: default steps: - name: build_html image: node:lts # This is hacky and ugly as fuck, but without it node fails to install a dependency. Fuck node. commands: - npm install -g @asyncapi/generator || true - chown -R 65534:0 "/root/.npm" - npm install -g @asyncapi/generator - ag birbnetes.yml @asyncapi/html-template - name: kaniko image: banzaicloud/drone-kaniko settings: registry: repo: birbnetes/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} username: from_secret: DOCKER_USERNAME password: from_secret: DOCKER_PASSWORD tags: - latest - ${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER} - name: ms-teams image: kuperiu/drone-teams settings: webhook: from_secret: TEAMS_WEBHOOK when: status: [ failure ]