import { Action, Reducer } from 'redux'; import { AppThunkAction } from './'; // ----------------- // STATE - This defines the type of data maintained in the Redux store. export interface WeatherForecastsState { isLoading: boolean; startDateIndex?: number; forecasts: WeatherForecast[]; } export interface WeatherForecast { date: string; temperatureC: number; temperatureF: number; summary: string; } // ----------------- // ACTIONS - These are serializable (hence replayable) descriptions of state transitions. // They do not themselves have any side-effects; they just describe something that is going to happen. interface RequestWeatherForecastsAction { type: 'REQUEST_WEATHER_FORECASTS'; startDateIndex: number; } interface ReceiveWeatherForecastsAction { type: 'RECEIVE_WEATHER_FORECASTS'; startDateIndex: number; forecasts: WeatherForecast[]; } // Declare a 'discriminated union' type. This guarantees that all references to 'type' properties contain one of the // declared type strings (and not any other arbitrary string). type KnownAction = RequestWeatherForecastsAction | ReceiveWeatherForecastsAction; // ---------------- // ACTION CREATORS - These are functions exposed to UI components that will trigger a state transition. // They don't directly mutate state, but they can have external side-effects (such as loading data). export const actionCreators = { requestWeatherForecasts: (startDateIndex: number): AppThunkAction => (dispatch, getState) => { // Only load data if it's something we don't already have (and are not already loading) const appState = getState(); if (appState && appState.weatherForecasts && startDateIndex !== appState.weatherForecasts.startDateIndex) { fetch(`weatherforecast`) .then(response => response.json() as Promise) .then(data => { dispatch({ type: 'RECEIVE_WEATHER_FORECASTS', startDateIndex: startDateIndex, forecasts: data }); }); dispatch({ type: 'REQUEST_WEATHER_FORECASTS', startDateIndex: startDateIndex }); } } }; // ---------------- // REDUCER - For a given state and action, returns the new state. To support time travel, this must not mutate the old state. const unloadedState: WeatherForecastsState = { forecasts: [], isLoading: false }; export const reducer: Reducer = (state: WeatherForecastsState | undefined, incomingAction: Action): WeatherForecastsState => { if (state === undefined) { return unloadedState; } const action = incomingAction as KnownAction; switch (action.type) { case 'REQUEST_WEATHER_FORECASTS': return { startDateIndex: action.startDateIndex, forecasts: state.forecasts, isLoading: true }; case 'RECEIVE_WEATHER_FORECASTS': // Only accept the incoming data if it matches the most recent request. This ensures we correctly // handle out-of-order responses. if (action.startDateIndex === state.startDateIndex) { return { startDateIndex: action.startDateIndex, forecasts: action.forecasts, isLoading: false }; } break; } return state; };