#!/usr/bin/env python3 from flask import request, jsonify, current_app, abort, Response from flask_classful import FlaskView, route from model import db, Default, AIModel, AIModelType from minio.error import NoSuchKey from schemas import AIModelSchema, DefaultSchema, InfoSchema from marshmallow.exceptions import ValidationError from utils import multipart_required, storage, ensure_buckets class CNNView(FlaskView): route_base = 'cnn' aimodel_schema = AIModelSchema(many=False) info_schema = InfoSchema(many=False) @multipart_required def post(self): # get important data from the request try: info = self.info_schema.loads(request.form.get('info')) except ValidationError as e: abort(400, str(e)) # check for conflict m = AIModel.query.filter_by(id=info['id']).first() if m: abort(409) # get and validate file model_file = request.files['modelFile'] if model_file.content_length <= 0: abort(411, f"Content length for modelFile is not a positive integer or missing.") weights_file = request.files['weightsFile'] if weights_file.content_length <= 0: abort(411, f"Content length for weightsFile is not a positive integer or missing.") # create bucket if necessary ensure_buckets() # Create the entry in the db m = AIModel(id=info['id'], type=AIModelType.cnn, target_class_name=info['target_class_name']) # Put files into MinIO storage.connection.put_object(current_app.config['MINIO_CNN_BUCKET_NAME'], "model/" + str(m.id), model_file, model_file.content_length, content_type=model_file.content_type) storage.connection.put_object(current_app.config['MINIO_CNN_BUCKET_NAME'], "weights/" + str(m.id), weights_file, weights_file.content_length, content_type=weights_file.content_type) db.session.add(m) db.session.commit() return jsonify(self.aimodel_schema.dump(m)), 200 def delete(self, _id: str): if _id == "$default": default = Default.query.filter_by(type=AIModelType.cnn).first_or_404() m = default.aimodel else: m = AIModel.query.filter_by(type=AIModelType.cnn, id=_id).first_or_404() storage.connection.remove_object(current_app.config['MINIO_CNN_BUCKET_NAME'], "weights/" + str(m.id)) storage.connection.remove_object(current_app.config['MINIO_CNN_BUCKET_NAME'], "model/" + str(m.id)) db.session.delete(m) db.session.commit() return '', 204 @route('<_id>/file') def get_file(self, _id: str): if _id == "$default": default = Default.query.filter_by(type=AIModelType.cnn).first_or_404() m = default.aimodel else: m = AIModel.query.filter_by(type=AIModelType.cnn, id=_id).first_or_404() if "weights" in request.args: path = "weights/" + str(m.id) else: path = "model/" + str(m.id) try: data = storage.connection.get_object(current_app.config['MINIO_CNN_BUCKET_NAME'], path) except NoSuchKey: abort(500, "The ID is stored in the database but not int the Object Store") return Response(data.stream(), mimetype=data.headers['Content-type'])