#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e SENTRY_TEST_HOST="${SENTRY_TEST_HOST:-http://localhost:9000}" TEST_USER='test@example.com' TEST_PASS='test123TEST' COOKIE_FILE=$(mktemp) # Courtesy of https://stackoverflow.com/a/2183063/90297 trap_with_arg() { func="$1" ; shift for sig ; do trap "$func $sig "'$LINENO' "$sig" done } DID_CLEAN_UP=0 # the cleanup function will be the exit point cleanup () { if [ "$DID_CLEAN_UP" -eq 1 ]; then return 0; fi DID_CLEAN_UP=1 if [ "$1" != "EXIT" ]; then echo "An error occurred, caught SIG$1 on line $2"; fi echo "Cleaning up..." rm $COOKIE_FILE echo "Done." } trap_with_arg cleanup ERR INT TERM EXIT get_csrf_token () { awk '$6 == "sc" { print $7 }' $COOKIE_FILE; } sentry_api_request () { curl -s -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H "Referer: $SENTRY_TEST_HOST" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-CSRFToken: $(get_csrf_token)" -b "$COOKIE_FILE" -c "$COOKIE_FILE" "$SENTRY_TEST_HOST/api/0/$1" ${@:2}; } login () { INITIAL_AUTH_REDIRECT=$(curl -sL -o /dev/null $SENTRY_TEST_HOST -w %{url_effective}) if [ "$INITIAL_AUTH_REDIRECT" != "$SENTRY_TEST_HOST/auth/login/sentry/" ]; then echo "Initial /auth/login/ redirect failed, exiting..." echo "$INITIAL_AUTH_REDIRECT" exit -1 fi CSRF_TOKEN_FOR_LOGIN=$(curl $SENTRY_TEST_HOST -sL -c "$COOKIE_FILE" | awk -F "'" ' /csrfmiddlewaretoken/ { print $4 "=" $6; exit; }') curl -sL --data-urlencode 'op=login' --data-urlencode "username=$TEST_USER" --data-urlencode "password=$TEST_PASS" --data-urlencode "$CSRF_TOKEN_FOR_LOGIN" "$SENTRY_TEST_HOST/auth/login/sentry/" -H "Referer: $SENTRY_TEST_HOST/auth/login/sentry/" -b "$COOKIE_FILE" -c "$COOKIE_FILE"; } LOGIN_RESPONSE=$(login); declare -a LOGIN_TEST_STRINGS=( '"isAuthenticated":true' '"username":"test@example.com"' '"isSuperuser":true' ) for i in "${LOGIN_TEST_STRINGS[@]}" do echo "Testing '$i'..." echo "$LOGIN_RESPONSE" | grep "$i[,}]" >& /dev/null echo "Pass." done # Set up initial/required settings (InstallWizard request) sentry_api_request "internal/options/?query=is:required" -X PUT --data '{"mail.use-tls":false,"mail.username":"","mail.port":25,"system.admin-email":"ben@byk.im","mail.password":"","mail.from":"root@localhost","system.url-prefix":"'"$SENTRY_TEST_HOST"'","auth.allow-registration":false,"beacon.anonymous":true}' > /dev/null SENTRY_DSN=$(sentry_api_request "projects/sentry/internal/keys/" | awk 'BEGIN { RS=",|:{\n"; FS="\""; } $2 == "public" { print $4; exit; }') # We ignore the protocol and the host as we already know those DSN_PIECES=(`echo $SENTRY_DSN | sed -ne 's|^https\?://\([0-9a-z]\+\)@[^/]\+/\([0-9]\+\)$|\1\n\2|p'`) SENTRY_KEY=${DSN_PIECES[0]} PROJECT_ID=${DSN_PIECES[1]} TEST_EVENT_ID=$(export LC_ALL=C; head /dev/urandom | tr -dc "a-f0-9" | head -c 32) # Thanks @untitaker - https://forum.sentry.io/t/how-can-i-post-with-curl-a-sentry-event-which-authentication-credentials/4759/2?u=byk TEST_EVENT=$(curl --data '{"event_id": "'"$TEST_EVENT_ID"'","level":"error","message":"a failure","extra":{"object":"42"}}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "X-Sentry-Auth: Sentry sentry_version=7, sentry_key=$SENTRY_KEY, sentry_client=test-bash/0.1" \ $SENTRY_TEST_HOST/api/$PROJECT_ID/store/ -sf) echo "Created event: $TEST_EVENT" EVENT_PATH="projects/sentry/internal/events/$TEST_EVENT_ID/" export -f sentry_api_request get_csrf_token export SENTRY_TEST_HOST COOKIE_FILE EVENT_PATH printf "Checking its existence" timeout 15 bash -c 'until $(sentry_api_request "$EVENT_PATH" -Isf -X GET -o /dev/null); do printf '.'; sleep 0.5; done' echo ""; EVENT_RESPONSE=$(sentry_api_request "$EVENT_PATH") declare -a EVENT_TEST_STRINGS=( '"eventID":"'"$TEST_EVENT_ID"'"' '"message":"a failure"' '"title":"a failure"' '"object":"42"' ) for i in "${EVENT_TEST_STRINGS[@]}" do echo "Testing '$i'..." echo "$EVENT_RESPONSE" | grep "$i[,}]" >& /dev/null echo "Pass." done