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description={Cisco Systems Inc.~is an american multinational corporation which designs, manufactures and sells costumer grade electronics, network appliences, voice and other communication solutions}
\newglossaryentry{ospf_glo} % TODO
description={\acrfull{ospf} is an interior gateway protocol classified as link state protocol. \acrshort{ospf} is usually used to exchange routing information between routers inside an organization}
\newglossaryentry{bgp_glo} % TODO
description={\acrfull{bgp} is an exterior gateway protocol classified as path vector protocol. \acrshort{bgp} defines \acrfullpl{as} and exchanges routing information between them over the public internet}
description={Telemetry is a form of automatized communication process which allows the collection of sensor measurements and similar on remote or inaccassable locations and conveys them to a processing facility for monitoring}
description={\acrfull{ios} is an operating system developed by \Gls{cisco}. It is designed to run primarily on \Gls{cisco} designed networking hardware. Running \acrshort{ios} in virtualized environment is also possible}
description={CPython is the standard interpreter for the Python programming language. CPython is written in C (hence the name) and it is the most widely used Python interpreter}
\newglossaryentry{openconfig} % TODO ez ne legyen lopoott
description={OpenConfig is an informal working group of network operators sharing the goal of moving computer networks toward a more dynamic, programmable infrastructure by adopting software-defined networking principles such as declarative configuration and model-driven management and operations}
description={Serialization is the process of translating data structures or object state represented in a computer program into a format that can be stored or transmitted and reconstructed later into an object or data structure that represents the same values as the original one in a different or the same computer program},
name={method stub},
description={Method stub is a piece of code which act as a placeholder because of the implementation of its real functionality is not (yet) aviliable in the software}
description={\acrfull{rfc} is a document which is published when a new Internet standard is defined. The purpose of the \acrshort{rfc} is to serve as a detialed as possible definition for each standard. Individuals implementing the standards must refer to the relevant \acrshort{rfc} and work accordingly in order to have their implementation compatible with the rest of the implementations on the Internet}
description={A library in software development is a set of generic prewritten, reusable sub-programs that are already developed and can be used by a software project}
name={open source},
description={The source code of the software is open and publicly available for anyone to read, analyze or modify}
\newacronym{mdt}{MDT}{Model-Driven Telemetry}
\newacronym{ai}{AI}{Artificial Intelligence}
\newacronym{ml}{ML}{Machine Learning}
\newacronym{ospf}{OSPF}{Open Shortest Path First}
\newacronym{rip}{RIP}{Routing Information Protocol}
\newacronym{bgp}{BGP}{Border Gateway Protocol}
\newacronym{ietf}{IETF}{Internet Engineering Task Force}
\newacronym{igp}{IGP}{Interior Gateway Protocol}
\newacronym{egp}{EGP}{Exterior Gateway Protocol}
\newacronym{as}{AS}{Autonomous System}
\newacronym{iot}{IoT}{Internet of Things}
\newacronym{vod}{VoD}{Video on Demand}
\newacronym{snmp}{SNMP}{Simple Network Management Protocol}
\newacronym{ssh}{SSH}{Secure SHell}
\newacronym{mib}{MIB}{Management Information Base} % Man in Black
\newacronym{tcp}{TCP}{Transmission Control Protocol}
\newacronym{udp}{UDP}{User Datagram Protocol}
\newacronym{grpc}{gRPC}{gRPC Remote Procedure Call}
\newacronym{json}{JSON}{JavaScript Object Notation}
\newacronym{gpb}{GPB}{(Google) Protocol Buffers}
\newacronym{mtu}{MTU}{Maximum Transmission Unit}
\newacronym{gil}{GIL}{Global Interpreter Lock}
\newacronym{gc}{GC}{Garbage Collector}
\newacronym{csv}{CSV}{Comma-Separated Values}
\newacronym{os}{OS}{Operating System}
\newacronym{ios}{IOS}{\Gls{cisco} Internetwork \acrlong{os}}
\newacronym{lan}{LAN}{Local Area Network}
\newacronym{vlan}{VLAN}{Virtual \acrlong{lan}}
\newacronym{nasa}{NASA}{National Aeronautics and Space Administration}
\newacronym{gnmi}{gNMI}{gRPC Network Management Interface}
\newacronym{xml}{XML}{Extensible Markup Language}
\newacronym{xpath}{XPath}{\acrshort{xml} Path Language}
\newacronym{idl}{IDL}{Interface Definition Language}
\newacronym{http}{HTTP}{HyperText Transfer Protocol}
\newacronym{http2}{HTTP/2}{HyperText Transfer Protocol Version 2}
\newacronym{rpc}{RPC}{Remote Procedure Call}
\newacronym{tls}{TLS}{Transport Layer Security}
\newacronym{ssl}{SSL}{Secure Sockets Layer}
\newacronym{ip}{IP}{Internet Protocol}
\newacronym{rfc}{RFC}{Request for Comments}
\newacronym{gnu}{GNU}{GNU's Not Unix!}
\newacronym{html}{HTML}{HyperText Markup Language}
\newacronym{ascii}{ASCII}{American Standard Code for Information Interchange}
\newacronym{cli}{CLI}{Command Line Interface}
\newacronym{dsdl}{DSDL}{Document Schema Definition Languages}
\newacronym{uml}{UML}{Unified Modeling Language}
\newacronym{tas}{TAS}{Telemetry Analytics System}
\newacronym{gui}{GUI}{Graphical User Interface}
\newacronym{tsdb}{TSDB}{Time Series Database}
\newacronym{api}{API}{Application Programming Interface}
\newacronym{tsm}{TSM}{Time Structured Merge Tree}
\newacronym{smp}{SMP}{Symmetric Multiprocessing}
\newacronym{stdout}{STDOUT}{Standard Output}
\newacronym{ciscoie}{Cisco-IE}{Cisco Innovation Edge}
\newacronym{oid}{OID}{Object Identifier}
\newacronym{ann}{ANN}{Artificial Neural Network}
\newacronym{nms}{NMS}{Network Management Station}