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2022-04-17 12:22:22 +02:00
## Basic Configuration ##
## @param api_key - string - required
## @env DD_API_KEY - string - required
## The Datadog API key to associate your Agent's data with your organization.
## Create a new API key here: https://app.datadoghq.com/account/settings
api_key: {{ datadog.apikey }}
## @param site - string - optional - default: datadoghq.com
## @env DD_SITE - string - optional - default: datadoghq.com
## The site of the Datadog intake to send Agent data to.
## Set to 'datadoghq.eu' to send data to the EU site.
## Set to 'us3.datadoghq.com' to send data to the US3 site.
## Set to 'us5.datadoghq.com' to send data to the US5 site.
## Set to 'ddog-gov.com' to send data to the US1-FED site.
site: datadoghq.com
## @param dd_url - string - optional - default: https://app.datadoghq.com
## @env DD_URL - string - optional - default: https://app.datadoghq.com
## The host of the Datadog intake server to send metrics to, only set this option
## if you need the Agent to send metrics to a custom URL, it overrides the site
## setting defined in "site". It does not affect APM, Logs or Live Process intake which have their
## own "*_dd_url" settings.
# dd_url: https://app.datadoghq.com
## @param proxy - custom object - optional
## @env DD_PROXY_HTTP - string - optional
## @env DD_PROXY_HTTPS - string - optional
## @env DD_PROXY_NO_PROXY - space separated list of strings - optional
## If you need a proxy to connect to the Internet, provide it here (default:
## disabled). Refer to https://docs.datadoghq.com/agent/proxy/ to understand how to use these settings.
## For Logs proxy information, refer to https://docs.datadoghq.com/agent/proxy/#proxy-for-logs
# proxy:
# no_proxy:
# - <HOSTNAME-1>
# - <HOSTNAME-2>
## @param skip_ssl_validation - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION - boolean - optional - default: false
## Setting this option to "true" tells the Agent to skip validation of SSL/TLS certificates.
# skip_ssl_validation: false
## @param sslkeylogfile - string - optional - default: ""
## @env DD_SSLKEYLOGFILE - string - optional - default: ""
## sslkeylogfile specifies a destination for TLS master secrets
## in NSS key log format to allow external programs
## such as Wireshark to decrypt TLS connections.
## For more details, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/NSS/Key_Log_Format.
## Use of sslkeylogfile compromises security and should only be
## used for debugging.
# sslkeylogfile: ""
## @param force_tls_12 - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_FORCE_TLS_12 - boolean - optional - default: false
## Setting this option to "true" forces the Agent to only use TLS 1.2 when
## pushing data to the Datadog intake specified in "site" or "dd_url".
# force_tls_12: false
## @param hostname - string - optional - default: auto-detected
## @env DD_HOSTNAME - string - optional - default: auto-detected
## Force the hostname name.
# hostname: <HOSTNAME_NAME>
## @param hostname_file - string - optional
## @env DD_HOSTNAME_FILE - string - optional
## In some environments, auto-detection of the hostname is not adequate and
## environment variables cannot be used to set the value. In such cases, the
## file on the host can also be used provide an appropriate value. If
## 'hostname' value has been set to a non-empty value, this option is ignored.
# hostname_file: /var/lib/cloud/data/instance-id
## @param hostname_fqdn - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_HOSTNAME_FQDN - boolean - optional - default: false
## When the Agent relies on the OS to determine the hostname, make it use the
## FQDN instead of the short hostname. Recommended value: true
## More information at https://dtdg.co/flag-hostname-fqdn
# hostname_fqdn: false
## @param host_aliases - list of strings - optional
## @env DD_HOST_ALIASES - space separated list of strings - optional
## List of host aliases to report in addition to any aliases collected
## automatically from cloud providers.
## More information at
## https://docs.datadoghq.com/agent/faq/how-datadog-agent-determines-the-hostname/?tab=agentv6v7#host-aliases
# host_aliases:
# - <ALIAS-1>
# - <ALIAS-2>
## @param tags - list of key:value elements - optional
## @env DD_TAGS - space separated list of strings - optional
## List of host tags. Attached in-app to every metric, event, log, trace, and service check emitted by this Agent.
## This configuration value merges with `DD_EXTRA_TAGS`, allowing some
## tags to be set in a configuration file (`tags`), and additional tags to be added
## with an environment variable (`DD_EXTRA_TAGS`).
## Learn more about tagging: https://docs.datadoghq.com/tagging/
# tags:
# - team:infra
## @param extra_tags - list of key:value elements - optional
## @env DD_EXTRA_TAGS - space separated list of strings - optional
## List of host tags. Attached in-app to every metric, event, log, trace, and service check emitted by this Agent.
## This configuration value merges with `tags`, allowing some
## tags to be set in a configuration file (`tags`), and additional tags to be added
## with an environment variable (`DD_EXTRA_TAGS`).
## Learn more about tagging: https://docs.datadoghq.com/tagging/
# extra_tags:
# - region:northerly
## @param env - string - optional
## @env DD_ENV - string - optional
## The environment name where the agent is running. Attached in-app to every
## metric, event, log, trace, and service check emitted by this Agent.
# env: <environment name>
## @param tag_value_split_separator - map - optional
## @env DD_TAG_VALUE_SPLIT_SEPARATOR - list of key:value strings - optional
## Split tag values according to a given separator. Only applies to host tags,
## and tags coming from container integrations. It does not apply to tags on dogstatsd metrics,
## and tags collected by other integrations.
## Example use-case:
## With a raw collected tag "foo:1;2;3", using the following configuration:
## tag_value_split_separator:
## foo: ;
## results in the raw tag being transformed into "foo:1", "foo:2", "foo:3" tags
# tag_value_split_separator:
## @param checks_tag_cardinality - string - optional - default: low
## @env DD_CHECKS_TAG_CARDINALITY - string - optional - default: low
## Configure the level of granularity of tags to send for checks metrics and events. Choices are:
## * low: add tags about low-cardinality objects (clusters, hosts, deployments, container images, ...)
## * orchestrator: add tags about pod, (in Kubernetes), or task (in ECS or Mesos) -level of cardinality
## * high: add tags about high-cardinality objects (individual containers, user IDs in requests, ...)
## WARNING: sending container tags for checks metrics may create more metrics
## (one per container instead of one per host). This may impact your custom metrics billing.
# checks_tag_cardinality: low
## @param dogstatsd_tag_cardinality - string - optional - default: low
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_TAG_CARDINALITY - string - optional - default: low
## Configure the level of granularity of tags to send for DogStatsD metrics and events. Choices are:
## * low: add tags about low-cardinality objects (clusters, hosts, deployments, container images, ...)
## * orchestrator: add tags about pod, (in Kubernetes), or task (in ECS or Mesos) -level of cardinality
## * high: add tags about high-cardinality objects (individual containers, user IDs in requests, ...)
## WARNING: sending container tags for dogstatsd metrics may create more metrics
## (one per container instead of one per host). This may impact your custom metrics billing.
# dogstatsd_tag_cardinality: low
## @param histogram_aggregates - list of strings - optional - default: ["max", "median", "avg", "count"]
## @env DD_HISTOGRAM_AGGREGATES - space separated list of strings - optional - default: max median avg count
## Configure which aggregated value to compute.
## Possible values are: min, max, median, avg, sum and count.
# histogram_aggregates:
# - max
# - median
# - avg
# - count
## @param histogram_percentiles - list of strings - optional - default: ["0.95"]
## @env DD_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTILES - space separated list of strings - optional - default: 0.95
## Configure which percentiles are computed by the Agent. It must be a list of float between 0 and 1.
## Warning: percentiles must be specified as yaml strings
# histogram_percentiles:
# - "0.95"
## @param histogram_copy_to_distribution - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_HISTOGRAM_COPY_TO_DISTRIBUTION - boolean - optional - default: false
## Copy histogram values to distributions for true global distributions (in beta)
## Note: This increases the number of custom metrics created.
# histogram_copy_to_distribution: false
## @param histogram_copy_to_distribution_prefix - string - optional
## A prefix to add to distribution metrics created when histogram_copy_to_distributions is true
# histogram_copy_to_distribution_prefix: "<PREFIX>"
## @param aggregator_stop_timeout - integer - optional - default: 2
## @env DD_AGGREGATOR_STOP_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 2
## When stopping the agent, the Aggregator will try to flush out data ready for
## aggregation (metrics, events, ...). Data are flushed to the Forwarder in order
## to be sent to Datadog, therefore the Agent might take at most
## 'aggregator_stop_timeout'+'forwarder_stop_timeout' seconds to exit.
## You can set the maximum amount of time, in seconds, allocated to the
## Aggregator to do so. You can disable this feature by setting
## 'aggregator_stop_timeout' to 0.
# aggregator_stop_timeout: 2
## @param aggregator_buffer_size - integer - optional - default: 100
## @env DD_AGGREGATOR_BUFFER_SIZE - integer - optional - default: 100
## The default buffer size for the aggregator use a sane value for most of the
## use cases, however, it could be useful to manually set it in order to trade
## RSS usage with better performances.
# aggregator_buffer_size: 100
## @param forwarder_timeout - integer - optional - default: 20
## @env DD_FORWARDER_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 20
## Forwarder timeout in seconds
# forwarder_timeout: 20
## @param forwarder_retry_queue_payloads_max_size - integer - optional - default: 15728640 (15MB)
## @env DD_FORWARDER_RETRY_QUEUE_PAYLOADS_MAX_SIZE - integer - optional - default: 15728640 (15MB)
## It defines the maximum size in bytes of all the payloads in the forwarder's retry queue.
## The actual memory used is greater than the payloads size as there are extra fields like HTTP headers,
## but no more than 2.5 times the payload size.
# forwarder_retry_queue_payloads_max_size: 15728640
## @param forwarder_num_workers - integer - optional - default: 1
## @env DD_FORWARDER_NUM_WORKERS - integer - optional - default: 1
## The number of workers used by the forwarder.
# forwarder_num_workers: 1
## @param forwarder_stop_timeout - integer - optional - default: 2
## @env DD_FORWARDER_STOP_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 2
## When stopping the agent, the Forwarder will try to flush all new
## transactions (not the ones in retry state). New transactions will be created
## as the Aggregator flush it's internal data too, therefore the Agent might take
## at most 'aggregator_stop_timeout'+'forwarder_stop_timeout' seconds to exit.
## You can set the maximum amount of time, in seconds, allocated to the
## Forwarder to send those transactions. You can disable this feature by setting
## 'forwarder_stop_timeout' to 0.
# forwarder_stop_timeout: 2
## @param forwarder_storage_max_size_in_bytes - integer - optional - default: 0
## @env DD_FORWARDER_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE_IN_BYTES - integer - optional - default: 0
## When the retry queue of the forwarder is full, `forwarder_storage_max_size_in_bytes`
## defines the amount of disk space the Agent can use to store transactions on the disk.
## When `forwarder_storage_max_size_in_bytes` is `0`, the transactions are never stored on the disk.
# forwarder_storage_max_size_in_bytes: 50000000
## @param forwarder_storage_max_disk_ratio - float - optional - default: 0.8
## @env DD_FORWARDER_STORAGE_MAX_DISK_RATIO - float - optional - default: 0.8
## `forwarder_storage_max_disk_ratio` defines the disk capacity limit for storing transactions.
## `0.8` means the Agent can store transactions on disk until `forwarder_storage_max_size_in_bytes`
## is reached or when the disk mount for `forwarder_storage_path` exceeds 80% of the disk capacity,
## whichever is lower.
# forwarder_storage_max_disk_ratio: 0.8
## @param forwarder_outdated_file_in_days - integer - optional - default: 10
## @env DD_FORWARDER_OUTDATED_FILE_IN_DAYS - integer - optional - default: 10
## This value specifies how many days the overflow transactions will remain valid before
## being discarded. During the Agent restart, if a retry file contains transactions that were
## created more than `forwarder_outdated_file_in_days` days ago, they are removed.
# forwarder_outdated_file_in_days: 10
## @param forwarder_high_prio_buffer_size - int - optional - default: 100
## Defines the size of the high prio buffer.
## Increasing the buffer size can help if payload drops occur due to high prio buffer being full.
# forwarder_high_prio_buffer_size: 100
## @param forwarder_low_prio_buffer_size - int - optional - default: 100
## Defines the size of the low prio buffer.
# forwarder_low_prio_buffer_size: 100
## @param forwarder_requeue_buffer_size - int - optional - default: 100
## Defines the size of the requeue prio buffer.
# forwarder_requeue_buffer_size: 100
## @param forwarder_backoff_base - int - optional - default: 2
## @env DD_FORWARDER_BACKOFF_BASE - integer - optional - default: 2
## Defines the rate of exponential growth, and the first retry interval range.
## Do not set a lower value than the default. You may increase it if you use a proxy that benefits from a
## higher rate of exponential growth.
# forwarder_backoff_base: 2
## @param forwarder_backoff_max - int - optional - default: 64
## @env DD_FORWARDER_BACKOFF_MAX - integer - optional - default: 64
## Defines the maximum number of seconds to wait for a retry.
## Do not set a lower value than the default. You may increase it if you use a proxy that benefits from a
## higher maximum backoff time.
# forwarder_backoff_max: 64
## @param cloud_provider_metadata - list of strings - optional - default: ["aws", "gcp", "azure", "alibaba", "oracle"]
## @env DD_CLOUD_PROVIDER_METADATA - space separated list of strings - optional - default: aws gcp azure alibaba oracle
## This option restricts which cloud provider endpoint will be used by the
## agent to retrieve metadata. By default the agent will try # AWS, GCP, Azure
## and alibaba providers. Some cloud provider are not enabled by default to not
## trigger security alert when querying unknown IP (for example, when enabling
## Tencent on AWS).
## Setting an empty list will disable querying any cloud metadata endpoints
## (falling back on system metadata). Disabling metadata for the cloud provider in which an Agent runs may result in
## duplicated hosts in your Datadog account and missing Autodiscovery features
## Possible values are:
## "aws" AWS EC2, ECS/Fargate
## "gcp" Google Cloud Provider
## "azure" Azure
## "alibaba" Alibaba
## "tencent" Tencent
## "oracle" Oracle Cloud
# cloud_provider_metadata:
# - "aws"
# - "gcp"
# - "azure"
# - "alibaba"
# - "oracle"
## @param collect_ec2_tags - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_COLLECT_EC2_TAGS - boolean - optional - default: false
## Collect AWS EC2 custom tags as host tags.
## Requires one of:
## - `collect_ec2_tags_use_imds: true` and configuration of the
## EC2 instance to allow tags in instance metadata; or
## - configuration of the EC2 instance to have an IAM role with
## the `EC2:DescribeTags` permission.
## See docs for further details:
## https://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/faq/how-do-i-pull-my-ec2-tags-without-using-the-aws-integration/
# collect_ec2_tags: false
## @param collect_ec2_tags_use_imds - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_COLLECT_EC2_TAGS_USE_IMDS - boolean - optional - default: false
## Use instance metadata service (IMDS) instead of EC2 API to collect AWS EC2 custom tags.
## Requires `collect_ec2_tags`.
# collect_ec2_tags_use_imds: false
## @param ec2_metadata_timeout - integer - optional - default: 300
## @env DD_EC2_METADATA_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 300
## Timeout in milliseconds on calls to the AWS EC2 metadata endpoints.
# ec2_metadata_timeout: 300
## @param ec2_prefer_imdsv2 - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_EC2_PREFER_IMDSV2 - boolean - optional - default: false
## If this flag is true then the agent will request EC2 metadata using IMDS v2,
## which offers additional security for accessing metadata. However, in some
## situations (such as a containerized agent on a plain EC2 instance) it may
## require additional configuration on the AWS side. See the AWS guidelines
## for further details:
## https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/configuring-instance-metadata-service.html#instance-metadata-transition-to-version-2
# ec2_prefer_imdsv2: false
## @param collect_gce_tags - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_COLLECT_GCE_TAGS - boolean - optional - default: true
## Collect Google Cloud Engine metadata as host tags
# collect_gce_tags: true
## @param exclude_gce_tags - list of strings - optional - default: ["kube-env", "kubelet-config", "containerd-configure-sh", "startup-script", "shutdown-script", "configure-sh", "sshKeys", "ssh-keys", "user-data", "cli-cert", "ipsec-cert", "ssl-cert", "google-container-manifest", "bosh_settings"]
## @env DD_EXCLUDE_GCE_TAGS - space separated list of strings - optional - default: kube-env kubelet-config containerd-configure-sh startup-script shutdown-script configure-sh sshKeys ssh-keys user-data cli-cert ipsec-cert ssl-cert google-container-manifest bosh_settings
## Google Cloud Engine metadata attribute to exclude from being converted into
## host tags -- only applicable when collect_gce_tags is true.
# exclude_gce_tags:
# - "kube-env"
# - "kubelet-config"
# - "containerd-configure-sh"
# - "startup-script"
# - "shutdown-script"
# - "configure-sh"
# - "sshKeys"
# - "ssh-keys"
# - "user-data"
# - "cli-cert"
# - "ipsec-cert"
# - "ssl-cert"
# - "google-container-manifest"
# - "bosh_settings"
## @param gce_send_project_id_tag - bool - optional - default: false
## @env DD_GCE_SEND_PROJECT_ID_TAG - bool - optional - default: false
## Send the project ID host tag with the `project_id:` tag key in addition to
## the `project:` tag key.
# gce_send_project_id_tag: false
## @param gce_metadata_timeout - integer - optional - default: 1000
## @env DD_GCE_METADATA_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 1000
## Timeout in milliseconds on calls to the GCE metadata endpoints.
# gce_metadata_timeout: 1000
## @param azure_hostname_style - string - optional - default: "os"
## @env DD_AZURE_HOSTNAME_STYLE - string - optional - default: "os"
## Changes how agent hostname is set on Azure virtual machines.
## Possible values:
## "os" - use the hostname reported by the operating system (default)
## "name" - use the instance name
## "name_and_resource_group" - use a combination of the instance name and resource group name
## "full" - use a combination of the instance name, resource group name and subscription id
## "vmid" - use the instance id
# azure_hostname_style: "os"
## @param flare_stripped_keys - list of strings - optional
## @env DD_FLARE_STRIPPED_KEYS - space separated list of strings - optional
## By default, the Agent removes known sensitive keys from Agent and Integrations yaml configs before
## including them in the flare.
## Use this parameter to define additional sensitive keys that the Agent should scrub from
## the yaml files included in the flare.
# flare_stripped_keys:
# - "sensitive_key_1"
# - "sensitive_key_2"
## @param no_proxy_nonexact_match - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_NO_PROXY_NONEXACT_MATCH - boolean - optional - default: false
## Enable more flexible no_proxy matching. See https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy#Config
## for more information on accepted matching criteria.
# no_proxy_nonexact_match: false
## @param use_proxy_for_cloud_metadata - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_USE_PROXY_FOR_CLOUD_METADATA - boolean - optional - default: false
## By default cloud provider IP's are added to the transport's `no_proxy` list.
## Use this parameter to remove them from the `no_proxy` list.
# use_proxy_for_cloud_metadata: false
## @param auto_exit - custom object - optional
## Configuration for the automatic exit mechanism: the Agent stops when some conditions are met.
# auto_exit:
## @param noprocess - custom object - optional
## Configure the `noprocess` automatic exit method.
## Detect when no other processes (non-agent) are running to trigger automatic exit. `HOST_PROC` is taken into account when gathering processes.
## Feature is only supported on POSIX systems.
# noprocess:
## @param enabled - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_AUTO_EXIT_NOPROCESS_ENABLED - boolean - optional - default: false
## Enable the `noprocess` method
# enabled: false
## @param excluded_processes - list of strings - optional
## @env DD_AUTO_EXIT_NOPROCESS_EXCLUDED_PROCESSES - space separated list of strings - optional
## List of regular expressions to exclude extra processes (on top of built-in list).
# excluded_processes: []
## @param validation_period - integer - optional - default: 60
## @env DD_AUTO_EXIT_VALIDATION_PERIOD - integer - optional - default: 60
## Time (in seconds) delay during which the auto exit validates that the selected method continuously detects an exit condition, before exiting.
## The value is verified every 30s. By default, three consecutive checks need to return true to trigger an automatic exit.
# validation_period: 60
## Advanced Configuration ##
## @param confd_path - string - optional
## @env DD_CONFD_PATH - string - optional
## The path containing check configuration files. By default, uses the conf.d folder
## located in the Agent configuration folder.
# confd_path: ""
## @param additional_checksd - string - optional
## @env DD_ADDITIONAL_CHECKSD - string - optional
## Additional path indicating where to search for Python checks. By default, uses the checks.d folder
## located in the Agent configuration folder.
# additional_checksd: <CHECKD_FOLDER_PATH>
## @param expvar_port - integer - optional - default: 5000
## @env DD_EXPVAR_PORT - integer - optional - default: 5000
## The port for the go_expvar server.
# expvar_port: 5000
## @param cmd_port - integer - optional - default: 5001
## @env DD_CMD_PORT - integer - optional - default: 5001
## The port on which the IPC api listens.
# cmd_port: 5001
## @param GUI_port - integer - optional
## @env DD_GUI_PORT - integer - optional
## The port for the browser GUI to be served.
## Setting 'GUI_port: -1' turns off the GUI completely
## Default is:
## * Windows & macOS : `5002`
## * Linux: `-1`
# GUI_port: <GUI_PORT>
## @param health_port - integer - optional - default: 0
## @env DD_HEALTH_PORT - integer - optional - default: 0
## The Agent can expose its health check on a dedicated http port.
## This is useful for orchestrators that support http probes.
## Default is 0 (disabled), set a valid port number (eg. 5555) to enable.
# health_port: 0
## @param check_runners - integer - optional - default: 4
## @env DD_CHECK_RUNNERS - integer - optional - default: 4
## The `check_runners` refers to the number of concurrent check runners available for check instance execution.
## The scheduler attempts to spread the instances over the collection interval and will _at most_ be
## running the number of check runners instances concurrently.
## Setting the value to 1 would result in checks running sequentially.
## This is a sensitive setting, and we do NOT recommend changing the default number
## of check runners in the general case. The level of concurrency has effects on
## the Agent's: RSS memory, CPU load, resource contention overhead, etc.
# check_runners: 4
## @param enable_metadata_collection - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_ENABLE_METADATA_COLLECTION - boolean - optional - default: true
## Metadata collection should always be enabled, except if you are running several
## agents/dsd instances per host. In that case, only one Agent should have it on.
## WARNING: disabling it on every Agent leads to display and billing issues.
# enable_metadata_collection: true
## @param enable_gohai - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_ENABLE_GOHAI - boolean - optional - default: true
## Enable the gohai collection of systems data.
# enable_gohai: true
## @param server_timeout - integer - optional - default: 30
## @env DD_SERVER_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 30
## IPC api server timeout in seconds.
# server_timeout: 30
## @param procfs_path - string - optional
## @env DD_PROCFS_PATH - string - optional
## Some environments may have the procfs file system mounted in a miscellaneous
## location. The procfs_path configuration parameter provides a mechanism to
## override the standard default location: '/proc' - this setting trickles down to
## integrations and affect their behavior if they rely on the psutil python package.
# procfs_path: <PROCFS_PATH>
## @param disable_py3_validation - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_DISABLE_PY3_VALIDATION - boolean - optional - default: false
## Disable Python3 validation of python checks.
# disable_py3_validation: false
## @param python3_linter_timeout - integer - optional - default: 120
## @env DD_PYTHON3_LINTER_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 120
## Timeout in seconds for validation of compatibility with python 3 when running python 2.
# python3_linter_timeout: 120
## @param memtrack_enabled - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_MEMTRACK_ENABLED - boolean - optional - default: true
## Enables tracking of memory allocations made from the python runtime loader.
# memtrack_enabled: true
## @param tracemalloc_debug - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_TRACEMALLOC_DEBUG - boolean - optional - default: false
## Enables debugging with tracemalloc for python checks.
## Please note that this option is only available when python_version is set to "3".
## Additionally when this option becomes effective the number of check runners is
## overridden to 1.
# tracemalloc_debug: false
## @param tracemalloc_include - string - optional
## @env DD_TRACEMALLOC_INCLUDE - string - optional
## Comma-separated list of Python checks to enable tracemalloc for when `tracemalloc_debug` is true.
## By default, all Python checks are enabled.
# tracemalloc_include: <TRACEMALLOC_EXCLUDE>
## @param tracemalloc_exclude - string - optional
## @env DD_TRACEMALLOC_EXCLUDE - string - optional
## Comma-separated list of Python checks to disable tracemalloc for when `tracemalloc_debug` is true.
## By default, all Python checks are enabled. This setting takes precedence over `tracemalloc_include`.
# tracemalloc_exclude: <TRACEMALLOC_INCLUDE>
## @param windows_use_pythonpath - boolean - optional
## @env DD_WINDOWS_USE_PYTHONPATH - boolean - optional
## Whether to honour the value of the PYTHONPATH env var when set on Windows.
## Disabled by default, so we only load Python libraries bundled with the Agent.
# windows_use_pythonpath: false
## @param secret_backend_command - string - optional
## @env DD_SECRET_BACKEND_COMMAND - string - optional
## `secret_backend_command` is the path to the script to execute to fetch secrets.
## The executable must have specific rights that differ on Windows and Linux.
## For more information see: https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/blob/main/docs/agent/secrets.md
# secret_backend_command: <COMMAND_PATH>
## @param secret_backend_arguments - list of strings - optional
## @env DD_SECRET_BACKEND_ARGUMENTS - space separated list of strings - optional
## If secret_backend_command is set, specify here a list of arguments to give to the command at each run.
# secret_backend_arguments:
# - <ARGUMENT_1>
# - <ARGUMENT_2>
## @param secret_backend_output_max_size - integer - optional - default: 1048576
## @env DD_SECRET_BACKEND_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE - integer - optional - default: 1048576
## The size in bytes of the buffer used to store the command answer (apply to both stdout and stderr)
# secret_backend_output_max_size: 1048576
## @param secret_backend_timeout - integer - optional - default: 30
## @env DD_SECRET_BACKEND_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 30
## The timeout to execute the command in second
# secret_backend_timeout: 30
## @param secret_backend_skip_checks - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_SECRET_BACKEND_SKIP_CHECKS - boolean - optional - default: false
## Disable fetching secrets for check configurations
# secret_backend_skip_checks: false
## @param snmp_listener - custom object - optional
## Creates and schedules a listener to automatically discover your SNMP devices.
## Discovered devices can then be monitored with the SNMP integration by using
## the auto_conf.yaml file provided by default.
# snmp_listener:
## @param workers - integer - optional - default: 2
## The number of concurrent tasks used to discover SNMP devices. Increasing this value
## discovers devices faster but at the cost of increased resource consumption.
# workers: 2
## @param discovery_interval - integer - optional - default: 3600
## How often to discover new SNMP devices, in seconds. Decreasing this value
## discovers devices faster (within the limit of the time taken to scan subnets)
## but at the cost of increased resource consumption.
# discovery_interval: 3600
## @param discovery_allowed_failures - integer - optional - default: 3
## The number of failed requests to a given SNMP device before removing it from the list of monitored
## devices.
## If a device shuts down, the Agent stops monitoring it after `discovery_interval * discovery_allowed_failures` seconds.
# discovery_allowed_failures: 3
## @param loader - string - optional - default: python
## Check loader to use. Available loaders:
## - core: (recommended) Uses new corecheck SNMP integration
## - python: Uses legacy python SNMP integration
# loader: core
## @param min_collection_interval - number - optional - default: 15
## This changes the collection interval for the check instances created
## from discovered SNMP devices.
## For more information, see:
## https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/write_agent_check/#collection-interval
# min_collection_interval: 15
## @param namespace - string - optional - default: default
## Namespace can be used to disambiguate devices with same IPs.
## Changing namespace will cause devices being recreated in NDM app.
## It should contain less than 100 characters and should not contain any of
## `&lt;`, `>`, `\n`, `\t`, `\r` characters
## Only available using corecheck SNMP integration with `loader: core` config.
# namespace: default
## @param use_device_id_as_hostname - boolean - optional - default: false
## Use `device:<DEVICE_ID>` (device_id is composed of `<NAMESPACE>:<DEVICE_IP_ADDRESS>`) as `hostname`
## for metrics and service checks (meaning that metrics and services checks will have
## `host:device:<DEVICE_ID>` as tag).
## This option is needed for custom tags.
# use_device_id_as_hostname: true
## @param configs - list - required
## The actual list of configurations used to discover SNMP devices in various subnets.
## Example:
## configs:
## - network:
## version: 1
## community: public
## - network:
## community: public
## ignored_ip_addresses:
## -
## -
# configs:
## @param network_address - string - required
## The subnet in CIDR format to scan for SNMP devices.
## All unignored IP addresses in the CIDR range are scanned.
## For optimal discovery time, be sure to use the smallest network mask
## possible as is appropriate for your network topology.
## Ex:
# - network_address: <NETWORK>
## @param ignored_ip_addresses - list of strings - optional
## A list of IP addresses to ignore when scanning the network.
# ignored_ip_addresses:
# - <IP_ADDRESS_1>
# - <IP_ADDRESS_2>
## @param port - integer - optional - default: 161
## The UDP port to use when connecting to SNMP devices.
# port: 161
## @param snmp_version - integer - optional - default: <BEST_GUESS>
## Set the version of the SNMP protocol. Available options are: `1`, `2` or `3`.
## If unset, the Agent tries to guess the correct version based on other configuration
## parameters, for example: if `user` is set, the Agent uses SNMP v3.
# snmp_version: <VERSION>
## @param timeout - integer - optional - default: 5
## The number of seconds before timing out.
# timeout: 5
## @param retries - integer - optional - default: 3
## The number of retries before failure.
# retries: 3
## @param community_string - string - optional
## Required for SNMP v1 & v2.
## Enclose the community string with single quote like below (to avoid special characters being interpreted).
## Ex: 'public'
# community_string: '<COMMUNITY>'
## @param user - string - optional
## The username to connect to your SNMP devices.
## SNMPv3 only.
# user: <USERNAME>
## @param authKey - string - optional
## The passphrase to use with your Authentication type.
## SNMPv3 only.
## @param authProtocol - string - optional
## The authentication protocol to use when connecting to your SNMP devices.
## Available options are: MD5, SHA, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
## Defaults to MD5 when `authentication_key` is specified.
## SNMPv3 only.
## @param privKey - string - optional
## The passphrase to use with your privacy protocol.
## SNMPv3 only.
# privKey: <PRIVACY_KEY>
## @param privProtocol - string - optional
## The privacy protocol to use when connecting to your SNMP devices.
## Available options are: DES, AES (128 bits), AES192, AES192C, AES256, AES256C
## Defaults to DES when `privacy_key` is specified.
## SNMPv3 only.
# privProtocol: <PRIVACY_PROTOCOL>
## @param context_name - string - optional
## The name of your context (optional SNMP v3-only parameter).
# context_name: <CONTEXT_NAME>
## @param ad_identifier - string - optional - default: snmp
## A unique identifier to attach to devices from that subnetwork.
## When configuring the SNMP integration in snmp.d/auto_conf.yaml,
## specify the corresponding ad_identifier at the top of the file.
# ad_identifier: snmp
## @param loader - string - optional - default: python
## Check loader to use. Available loaders:
## - core: will use corecheck SNMP integration
## - python: will use python SNMP integration
# loader: core
## @param min_collection_interval - number - optional - default: 15
## This changes the collection interval for the check instances created from
## discovered SNMP devices. It applies to each specific config from `snmp_listener.configs`
## and has precedence over `snmp_listener.min_collection_interval`.
## For more information, see:
## https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/write_agent_check/#collection-interval
# min_collection_interval: 15
## @param namespace - string - optional - default: default
## Namespace can be used to disambiguate devices with same IPs.
## Changing namespace will cause devices being recreated in NDM app.
## Only available using corecheck SNMP integration with `loader: core` config.
# namespace: default
## @param use_device_id_as_hostname - boolean - optional - default: false
## Use `device:<DEVICE_ID>` (device_id is composed of `<NAMESPACE>:<DEVICE_IP_ADDRESS>`) as `hostname`
## for metrics and service checks (meaning that metrics and services checks will have
## `host:device:<DEVICE_ID>` as tag).
## This option is needed for custom tags.
# use_device_id_as_hostname: true
## @param oid_batch_size - integer - optional - default: 5
## The number of OIDs handled by each batch.
# oid_batch_size: 5
## Log collection Configuration ##
## @param logs_enabled - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_LOGS_ENABLED - boolean - optional - default: false
## Enable Datadog Agent log collection by setting logs_enabled to true.
# logs_enabled: false
## @param logs_config - custom object - optional
## Enter specific configurations for your Log collection.
## Uncomment this parameter and the one below to enable them.
## See https://docs.datadoghq.com/agent/logs/
# logs_config:
## @param container_collect_all - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_LOGS_CONFIG_CONTAINER_COLLECT_ALL - boolean - optional - default: false
## Enable container log collection for all the containers (see ac_exclude to filter out containers)
# container_collect_all: false
## @param logs_dd_url - string - optional
## @env DD_LOGS_CONFIG_DD_URL - string - optional
## Define the endpoint and port to hit when using a proxy for logs. The logs are forwarded in TCP
## therefore the proxy must be able to handle TCP connections.
# logs_dd_url: <ENDPOINT>:<PORT>
## @param logs_no_ssl - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_LOGS_CONFIG_LOGS_NO_SSL - optional - default: false
## Disable the SSL encryption. This parameter should only be used when logs are
## forwarded locally to a proxy. It is highly recommended to then handle the SSL encryption
## on the proxy side.
# logs_no_ssl: false
## @param processing_rules - list of custom objects - optional
## @env DD_LOGS_CONFIG_PROCESSING_RULES - list of custom objects - optional
## Global processing rules that are applied to all logs. The available rules are
## "exclude_at_match", "include_at_match" and "mask_sequences". More information in Datadog documentation:
## https://docs.datadoghq.com/agent/logs/advanced_log_collection/#global-processing-rules
# processing_rules:
# - type: <RULE_TYPE>
# name: <RULE_NAME>
# pattern: <RULE_PATTERN>
## @param use_http - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_LOGS_CONFIG_USE_HTTP - boolean - optional - default: false
## By default, logs are sent through TCP, use this parameter
## to send logs in HTTPS batches to port 443
# use_http: true
## @param use_tcp - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_USE_TCP - boolean - optional - default: false
## By default, logs are sent through HTTP if possible, use this parameter
## to send logs in TCP
# use_tcp: true
## @param use_compression - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_LOGS_CONFIG_USE_COMPRESSION - boolean - optional - default: false
## This parameter is available when sending logs with HTTPS. If enabled, the Agent
## compresses logs before sending them.
# use_compression: true
## @param compression_level - integer - optional - default: 6
## @env DD_LOGS_CONFIG_COMPRESSION_LEVEL - boolean - optional - default: false
## The compression_level parameter accepts values from 0 (no compression)
## to 9 (maximum compression but higher resource usage).
# compression_level: 6
## @param batch_wait - integer - optional - default: 5
## @env DD_LOGS_CONFIG_BATCH_WAIT - integer - optional - default: 5
## The maximum time the Datadog Agent waits to fill each batch of logs before sending.
# batch_wait: 5
## Trace Collection Configuration ##
## @param apm_config - custom object - optional
## Enter specific configurations for your trace collection.
## Uncomment this parameter and the one below to enable them.
## See https://docs.datadoghq.com/agent/apm/
# apm_config:
## @param enabled - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_APM_ENABLED - boolean - optional - default: true
## Set to true to enable the APM Agent.
# enabled: true
## @param env - string - optional - default: none
## @env DD_APM_ENV - string - optional - default: none
## The environment tag that Traces should be tagged with.
## If not set the value will be inherited, in order, from the top level
## "env" config option if set and then from the 'env:' tag if present in the
## 'tags' top level config option.
# env: none
## @param receiver_port - integer - optional - default: 8126
## @env DD_APM_RECEIVER_PORT - integer - optional - default: 8126
## The port that the trace receiver should listen on.
# receiver_port: 8126
## @param receiver_socket - string - optional
## @env DD_APM_RECEIVER_SOCKET - string - optional
## Accept traces through Unix Domain Sockets.
## It is off by default. When set, it must point to a valid socket file.
# receiver_socket: <UNIX_SOCKET_PATH>
## @param apm_non_local_traffic - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_APM_APM_NON_LOCAL_TRAFFIC - boolean - optional - default: false
## Set to true so the Trace Agent listens for non local traffic,
## i.e if Traces are being sent to this Agent from another host/container
# apm_non_local_traffic: false
## @param apm_dd_url - string - optional
## @env DD_APM_DD_URL - string - optional
## Define the endpoint and port to hit when using a proxy for APM. The traces are forwarded in TCP
## therefore the proxy must be able to handle TCP connections.
# apm_dd_url: <ENDPOINT>:<PORT>
## @param extra_sample_rate - float - optional - default: 1.0
## @env DD_APM_EXTRA_SAMPLE_RATE - float - optional - default: 1.0
## Extra global sample rate to apply on all the traces
## This sample rate is combined to the sample rate from the sampler logic, still promoting interesting traces.
## From 1 (no extra rate) to 0 (don't sample at all)
# extra_sample_rate: 1.0
## @param max_traces_per_second - integer - optional - default: 10
## @env DD_APM_MAX_TRACES_PER_SECOND - integer - optional - default: 10
## The target traces per second to sample. Sampling rates to apply are adjusted given
## the received traffic and communicated to tracers. This configures head base sampling.
## Set to 0 to disable sampling.
# max_traces_per_second: 10
## @param errors_per_second - integer - optional - default: 10
## @env DD_APM_ERROR_TPS - integer - optional - default: 10
## The target error trace chunks to receive per second. The TPS is spread
## to catch all combinations of service, name, resource, http.status, and error.type.
## Set to 0 to disable the errors sampler.
# errors_per_second: 10
## @param max_events_per_second - integer - optional - default: 200
## @env DD_APM_MAX_EVENTS_PER_SECOND - integer - optional - default: 200
## Maximum number of APM events per second to sample.
# max_events_per_second: 200
## @param max_memory - integer - optional - default: 500000000
## @env DD_APM_MAX_MEMORY - integer - optional - default: 500000000
## This value is what the Agent aims to use in terms of memory. If surpassed, the API
## rate limits incoming requests to aim and stay below this value.
## Note: The Agent process is killed if it uses more than 150% of `max_memory`.
## Set the `max_memory` parameter to `0` to disable the memory limitation.
# max_memory: 500000000
## @param max_cpu_percent - integer - optional - default: 50
## @env DD_APM_MAX_CPU_PERCENT - integer - optional - default: 50
## The CPU percentage that the Agent aims to use. If surpassed, the API rate limits
## incoming requests to aim and stay below this value. Examples: 50 = half a core, 200 = two cores.
## Set `max_cpu_percent` to `0` to disable rate limiting based on CPU usage.
# max_cpu_percent: 50
## @param obfuscation - object - optional
## Defines obfuscation rules for sensitive data. Disabled by default.
## See https://docs.datadoghq.com/tracing/setup_overview/configure_data_security/#agent-trace-obfuscation
# obfuscation:
## @param filter_tags - object - optional
## Defines rules by which to filter traces based on tags.
## * require - list of key or key/value strings - traces must have those tags in order to be sent to Datadog
## * reject - list of key or key/value strings - traces with these tags are dropped by the Agent
## Note: Rules take into account the intersection of tags defined.
# filter_tags:
# require: [<LIST_OF_KEY_VALUE_TAGS>]
# reject: [<LIST_OF_KEY_VALUE_TAGS>]
## @param replace_tags - list of objects - optional
## @env DD_APM_REPLACE_TAGS - list of objects - optional
## Defines a set of rules to replace or remove certain resources, tags containing
## potentially sensitive information.
## Each rules has to contain:
## * name - string - The tag name to replace, for resources use "resource.name".
## * pattern - string - The pattern to match the desired content to replace
## * repl - string - what to inline if the pattern is matched
## See https://docs.datadoghq.com/tracing/setup_overview/configure_data_security/#replace-rules-for-tag-filtering
# replace_tags:
# - name: "<TAG_NAME>"
# pattern: "<REGEX_PATTERN>"
## @param ignore_resources - list of strings - optional
## @env DD_APM_IGNORE_RESOURCES - space separated list of strings - optional
## An exclusion list of regular expressions can be provided to disable certain traces based on their resource name
## all entries must be surrounded by double quotes and separated by commas.
# ignore_resources: ["(GET|POST) /healthcheck"]
## @param log_file - string - optional
## @env DD_APM_LOG_FILE - string - optional
## The full path to the file where APM-agent logs are written.
# log_file: <APM_LOG_FILE_PATH>
## @param log_throttling - boolean - default: true
## @env DD_APM_LOG_THROTTLING - boolean - default: true
## Limits the total number of warnings and errors to 10 for every 10 second interval.
# log_throttling: true
## AppSec Configuration ##
## @param appsec_config - custom object - optional
## Enter specific configurations for your AppSec collection.
## Uncomment the parameters `appsec_config` and `enabled` to enable AppSec.
# appsec_config:
## @param enabled - boolean - optional - default: true
## Enable the AppSec proxy in the APM Agent.
# enabled: true
## @param appsec_dd_url - string - optional
## Define the endpoint and port to hit when using a proxy for AppSec. Logs are forwarded by TCP;
## therefore, the proxy must be able to handle TCP connections.
# appsec_dd_url: <ENDPOINT>:<PORT>
## @param max_payload_size - integer - optional - default: 5242880 (5MB)
## Define the maximum HTTP payload size (the body) in bytes the AppSec proxy allows.
# max_payload_size: 5242880
## Process Collection Configuration ##
## @param process_config - custom object - optional
## Enter specific configurations for your Process data collection.
## Uncomment this parameter and the one below to enable them.
## See https://docs.datadoghq.com/graphing/infrastructure/process/
# process_config:
## @param process_collection - custom object - optional
## Specifies settings for collecting processes.
# process_collection:
## @param enabled - boolean - optional - default: false
## Enables collection of information about running processes.
# enabled: false
## @param container_collection - custom object - optional
## Specifies settings for collecting containers.
# container_collection:
## @param enabled - boolean - optional - default: true
## Enables collection of information about running containers.
# enabled: true
## Deprecated - use `process_collection.enabled` and `container_collection.enabled` instead
## @param enabled - string - optional - default: "false"
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_ENABLED - string - optional - default: "false"
## A string indicating the enabled state of the Process Agent:
## * "false" : The Agent collects only containers information.
## * "true" : The Agent collects containers and processes information.
## * "disabled" : The Agent process collection is disabled.
# enabled: "true"
## @param expvar_port - string - optional - default: 6062
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_EXPVAR_PORT - string - optional - default: 6062
## Port for the debug endpoints for the process Agent.
# expvar_port: 6062
## @param cmd_port - string - optional - default: 6162
## Port for configuring runtime settings for the process Agent.
# cmd_port: 6162
## @param log_file - string - optional
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_LOG_FILE - string - optional
## The full path to the file where process Agent logs are written.
## @param intervals - custom object - optional - default: 10s for normal checks and 2s for others.
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_INTERVALS_CONTAINER - integer - optional - default: 10
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_INTERVALS_CONTAINER_REALTIME - integer - optional - default: 2
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_INTERVALS_PROCESS - integer - optional - default: 10
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_INTERVALS_PROCESS_REALTIME - integer - optional - default: 2
## The interval, in seconds, at which the Agent runs each check. If you want consistent
## behavior between real-time, set the `container_realtime` and `process_realtime` intervals to 10.
# intervals:
# container: 10
# container_realtime: 2
# process: 10
# process_realtime: 2
## @param process_discovery - custom object - optional
## Specifies custom settings for the `process_discovery` object.
# process_discovery:
## @param enabled - boolean - optional - default: true
## Toggles the `process_discovery` check. If enabled, this check gathers information about running integrations.
# enabled: true
## @param interval - duration - optional - default: 4h - minimum: 10m
## An interval in hours that specifies how often the process discovery check should run.
# interval: 4h
## @param blacklist_patterns - list of strings - optional
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_BLACKLIST_PATTERNS - space separated list of strings - optional
## A list of regex patterns that exclude processes if matched.
# blacklist_patterns:
# - <REGEX>
## @param queue_size - integer - optional - default: 256
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_QUEUE_SIZE - integer - optional - default: 256
## The number of check results to buffer in memory when a POST fails.
# queue_size: 256
## @param process_queue_bytes - integer - optional - default: 60000000
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_PROCESS_QUEUE_BYTES - integer - optional - default: 60000000
## The amount of data (in bytes) to buffer in memory when a POST fails.
# process_queue_bytes: 60000000
## @param rt_queue_size - integer - optional - default: 5
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_RT_QUEUE_SIZE - integer - optional - default: 5
## The number of realtime check results to buffer in memory when a POST fails.
# rt_queue_size: 5
## @param max_per_message - integer - optional - default: 100
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_MAX_PER_MESSAGE - integer - optional - default: 100
## The maximum number of processes or containers per message.
# max_per_message: 100
## @param dd_agent_bin - string - optional
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_DD_AGENT_BIN - string - optional
## Overrides the path to the Agent bin used for getting the hostname. Defaults are:
## * Windows: <AGENT_DIRECTORY>\embedded\\agent.exe
## * Unix: /opt/datadog-agent/bin/agent/agent
# dd_agent_bin: <AGENT_BIN_PATH>
## @param dd_agent_env - string - optional - default: ""
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_DD_AGENT_ENV - string - optional - default: ""
## Overrides of the environment we pass to fetch the hostname.
# dd_agent_env: ""
## @param scrub_args - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_SCRUB_ARGS - boolean - optional - default: true
## Hide sensitive data on the Live Processes page.
# scrub_args: true
## @param custom_sensitive_words - list of strings - optional
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_CUSTOM_SENSITIVE_WORDS - space separated list of strings - optional
## Define your own list of sensitive data to be merged with the default one.
## Read more on Datadog documentation:
## https://docs.datadoghq.com/graphing/infrastructure/process/#process-arguments-scrubbing
# custom_sensitive_words:
# - 'personal_key'
# - '*token'
# - 'sql*'
# - '*pass*d*'
## @param disable_realtime_checks - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_PROCESS_CONFIG_DISABLE_REALTIME - boolean - optional - default: false
## Disable realtime process and container checks
# disable_realtime_checks: false
## Security Agent Compliance Configuration ##
## @param compliance_config - custom object - optional
## Enter specific configuration for continuous compliance checks.
# compliance_config:
## @param enabled - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_COMPLIANCE_CONFIG_ENABLED - boolean - optional - default: false
## Set to true to enable Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM).
# enabled: false
## @param dir - string - optional - default: /etc/datadog-agent/compliance.d
## @env DD_COMPLIANCE_CONFIG_DIR - string - optional - default: /etc/datadog-agent/compliance.d
## Directory path for compliance checks configuration containing enabled benchmarks
# dir: /etc/datadog-agent/compliance.d
## @param check_interval - duration - optional - default: 20m
## @env DD_COMPLIANCE_CONFIG_CHECK_INTERVAL - duration - optional - default: 20m
## Check interval (see https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration for available options)
# check_interval: 20m
## @param check_max_events_per_run - integer - optional - default: 100
## @env DD_COMPLIANCE_CONFIG_CHECK_MAX_EVENTS_PER_RUN - integer - optional - default: 100
# check_max_events_per_run: 100
## DogStatsD Configuration ##
## @param use_dogstatsd - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_USE_DOGSTATSD - boolean - optional - default: true
## Set this option to false to disable the Agent DogStatsD server.
# use_dogstatsd: true
## @param dogstatsd_port - integer - optional - default: 8125
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT - integer - optional - default: 8125
## Override the Agent DogStatsD port.
## Note: Make sure your client is sending to the same UDP port.
# dogstatsd_port: 8125
## @param bind_host - string - optional - default: localhost
## @env DD_BIND_HOST - string - optional - default: localhost
## The host to listen on for Dogstatsd and traces. This is ignored by APM when
## `apm_config.apm_non_local_traffic` is enabled and ignored by DogStatsD when `dogstatsd_non_local_traffic`
## is enabled. The trace-agent uses this host to send metrics to.
## The `localhost` default value is invalid in IPv6 environments where dogstatsd listens on "::1".
## To solve this problem, ensure Dogstatsd is listening on IPv4 by setting this value to "".
# bind_host: localhost
## @param dogstatsd_socket - string - optional - default: ""
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_SOCKET - string - optional - default: ""
## Listen for Dogstatsd metrics on a Unix Socket (*nix only). Set to a valid filesystem path to enable.
# dogstatsd_socket: ""
## @param dogstatsd_origin_detection - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_ORIGIN_DETECTION - boolean - optional - default: false
## When using Unix Socket, DogStatsD can tag metrics with container metadata.
## If running DogStatsD in a container, host PID mode (e.g. with --pid=host) is required.
# dogstatsd_origin_detection: false
## @param dogstatsd_origin_detection_client - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_ORIGIN_DETECTION_CLIENT - boolean - optional - default: false
## Whether the Agent should use a client-provided container ID to enrich the metrics, events and service checks with container tags.
## Note: This requires using a client compatible with DogStatsD protocol version 1.2.
# dogstatsd_origin_detection_client: false
## @param dogstatsd_buffer_size - integer - optional - default: 8192
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_BUFFER_SIZE - integer - optional - default: 8192
## The buffer size use to receive statsd packets, in bytes.
# dogstatsd_buffer_size: 8192
## @param dogstatsd_non_local_traffic - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_NON_LOCAL_TRAFFIC - boolean - optional - default: false
## Set to true to make DogStatsD listen to non local UDP traffic.
# dogstatsd_non_local_traffic: false
## @param dogstatsd_stats_enable - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_STATS_ENABLE - boolean - optional - default: false
## Publish DogStatsD's internal stats as Go expvars.
# dogstatsd_stats_enable: false
## @param dogstatsd_queue_size - integer - optional - default: 1024
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_QUEUE_SIZE - integer - optional - default: 1024
## Configure the internal queue size of the Dogstatsd server.
## Reducing the size of this queue will reduce the maximum memory usage of the
## Dogstatsd server but as a trade-off, it could increase the number of packet drops.
# dogstatsd_queue_size: 1024
## @param dogstatsd_stats_buffer - integer - optional - default: 10
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_STATS_BUFFER - integer - optional - default: 10
## Set how many items should be in the DogStatsD's stats circular buffer.
# dogstatsd_stats_buffer: 10
## @param dogstatsd_stats_port - integer - optional - default: 5000
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_STATS_PORT - integer - optional - default: 5000
## The port for the go_expvar server.
# dogstatsd_stats_port: 5000
## @param dogstatsd_so_rcvbuf - integer - optional - default: 0
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_SO_RCVBUF - integer - optional - default: 0
## The number of bytes allocated to DogStatsD's socket receive buffer (POSIX system only).
## By default, the system sets this value. If you need to increase the size of this buffer
## but keep the OS default value the same, you can set DogStatsD's receive buffer size here.
## The maximum accepted value might change depending on the OS.
# dogstatsd_so_rcvbuf: 0
## @param dogstatsd_metrics_stats_enable - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_METRICS_STATS_ENABLE - boolean - optional - default: false
## Set this parameter to true to have DogStatsD collects basic statistics (count/last seen)
## about the metrics it processed. Use the Agent command "dogstatsd-stats" to visualize
## those statistics.
# dogstatsd_metrics_stats_enable: false
## @param dogstatsd_tags - list of key:value elements - optional
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_TAGS - list of key:value elements - optional
## Additional tags to append to all metrics, events and service checks received by
## this DogStatsD server.
# dogstatsd_tags:
## @param dogstatsd_mapper_profiles - list of custom object - optional
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_MAPPER_PROFILES - list of custom object - optional
## The profiles will be used to convert parts of metrics names into tags.
## If a profile prefix is matched, other profiles won't be tried even if that profile matching rules doesn't match.
## The profiles and matching rules are processed in the order defined in this configuration.
## For each profile, following fields are available:
## name (required): profile name
## prefix (required): mapping only applies to metrics with the prefix. If set to `*`, it will match everything.
## mappings: mapping rules, see below.
## For each mapping, following fields are available:
## match (required): pattern for matching the incoming metric name e.g. `test.job.duration.*`
## match_type (optional): pattern type can be `wildcard` (default) or `regex` e.g. `test\.job\.(\w+)\.(.*)`
## name (required): the metric name the metric should be mapped to e.g. `test.job.duration`
## tags (optional): list of key:value pair of tag key and tag value
## The value can use $1, $2, etc, that will be replaced by the corresponding element capture by `match` pattern
## This alternative syntax can also be used: ${1}, ${2}, etc
# dogstatsd_mapper_profiles:
# - name: <PROFILE_NAME> # e.g. "airflow", "consul", "some_database"
# prefix: <PROFILE_PREFIX> # e.g. "airflow.", "consul.", "some_database."
# mappings:
# - match: <METRIC_TO_MATCH> # e.g. `test.job.duration.*` to match `test.job.duration.my_job_name`
# match_type: <MATCH_TYPE> # e.g. `wildcard` or `regex`
# name: <MAPPED_METRIC_NAME> # e.g. `test.job.duration`
# tags:
# <TAG_KEY>: <TAG_VALUE_TO_EXPAND> # e.g. `job_name: "$1"`, $1 is replaced by value capture by *
# - match: 'test.worker.*.*.start_time' # to match `test.worker.<worker_type>.<worker_name>.start_time`
# name: 'test.worker.start_time'
# tags:
# worker_type: '$1'
# worker_name: '$2'
# - match: 'test\.task\.duration\.(\w+)\.(.*)' # no need to escape in yaml context using single quote
# match_type: regex
# name: 'test.task'
# tags:
# task_type: '$1'
# task_name: '$2'
## @param dogstatsd_mapper_cache_size - integer - optional - default: 1000
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_MAPPER_CACHE_SIZE - integer - optional - default: 1000
## Size of the cache (max number of mapping results) used by Dogstatsd mapping feature.
# dogstatsd_mapper_cache_size: 1000
## @param dogstatsd_entity_id_precedence - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_DOGSTATSD_ENTITY_ID_PRECEDENCE - boolean - optional - default: false
## Disable enriching Dogstatsd metrics with tags from "origin detection" when Entity-ID is set.
# dogstatsd_entity_id_precedence: false
## @param statsd_forward_host - string - optional - default: ""
## @env DD_STATSD_FORWARD_HOST - string - optional - default: ""
## Forward every packet received by the DogStatsD server to another statsd server.
## WARNING: Make sure that forwarded packets are regular statsd packets and not "DogStatsD" packets,
## as your other statsd server might not be able to handle them.
# statsd_forward_host: ""
## @param statsd_forward_port - integer - optional - default: 0
## @env DD_STATSD_FORWARD_PORT - integer - optional - default: 0
## Port or the "statsd_forward_host" to forward StatsD packet to.
# statsd_forward_port: 0
## @param statsd_metric_namespace - string - optional - default: ""
## @env DD_STATSD_METRIC_NAMESPACE - string - optional - default: ""
## Set a namespace for all StatsD metrics coming from this host.
## Each metric received is prefixed with the namespace before it's sent to Datadog.
# statsd_metric_namespace: ""
## @param metadata_providers - list of custom object - optional
## @env DD_METADATA_PROVIDERS - list of custom object - optional
## Metadata providers, add or remove from the list to enable or disable collection.
## Intervals are expressed in seconds. You can also set a provider's interval to 0
## to disable it.
# metadata_providers:
# - name: k8s
# interval: 60
## JMX Configuration ##
## @param jmx_custom_jars - list of strings - optional
## @env DD_JMX_CUSTOM_JARS - space separated list of strings - optional
## If you only run Autodiscovery tests, jmxfetch might fail to pick up custom_jar_paths
## set in the check templates. If that is the case, force custom jars here.
# jmx_custom_jars:
# - /jmx-jars/jboss-cli-client.jar
## @param jmx_use_cgroup_memory_limit - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_JMX_USE_CGROUP_MEMORY_LIMIT - boolean - optional - default: false
## When running in a memory cgroup, openjdk 8u131 and higher can automatically adjust
## its heap memory usage in accordance to the cgroup/container's memory limit.
## The Agent set a Xmx of 200MB if none is configured.
## Note: OpenJDK version &lt; 8u131 or >= 10 as well as other JVMs might fail
## to start if this option is set.
# jmx_use_cgroup_memory_limit: false
## @param jmx_use_container_support - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_JMX_USE_CONTAINER_SUPPORT - boolean - optional - default: false
## When running in a container, openjdk 10 and higher can automatically detect
## container specific configuration instead of querying the operating system
## to adjust resources allotted to the JVM.
## Note: openjdk versions prior to 10 and other JVMs might fail to start if
## this option is set.
# jmx_use_container_support: false
## @param jmx_log_file - string - optional
## @env DD_JMX_LOG_FILE - string - optional
## Path of the log file where JMXFetch logs are written.
# jmx_log_file: <JMXFETCH_LOG_FILE_PATH>
## @param jmx_max_restarts - integer - optional - default: 3
## @env DD_JMX_MAX_RESTARTS - integer - optional - default: 3
## Number of JMX restarts allowed in the restart-interval before giving up.
# jmx_max_restarts: 3
## @param jmx_restart_interval - integer - optional - default: 5
## @env DD_JMX_RESTART_INTERVAL - integer - optional - default: 5
## Duration of the restart interval in seconds.
# jmx_restart_interval: 5
## @param jmx_check_period - integer - optional - default: 15000
## @env DD_JMX_CHECK_PERIOD - integer - optional - default: 15000
## Duration of the period for check collections in milliseconds.
# jmx_check_period: 15000
## @param jmx_thread_pool_size - integer - optional - default: 3
## @env DD_JMX_THREAD_POOL_SIZE - integer - optional - default: 3
## JMXFetch collects multiples instances concurrently. Defines the maximum level of concurrency:
## * Higher concurrency increases CPU utilization during metric collection.
## * Lower concurrency results in lower CPU usage but may increase the total collection time.
## A value of 1 processes instances serially.
# jmx_thread_pool_size: 3
## @param jmx_collection_timeout - integer - optional - default: 60
## @env DD_JMX_COLLECTION_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 60
## Defines the maximum waiting period in seconds before timing up on metric collection.
# jmx_collection_timeout: 60
## @param jmx_reconnection_thread_pool_size - integer - optional - default: 3
## @env DD_JMX_RECONNECTION_THREAD_POOL_SIZE - integer - optional - default: 3
## JMXFetch reconnects to multiples instances concurrently. Defines the maximum level of concurrency:
## * Higher concurrency increases CPU utilization during reconnection.
## * Lower concurrency results in lower CPU usage but may increase the total reconnection time
## A value of 1 processes instance reconnections serially.
# jmx_reconnection_thread_pool_size: 3
## @param jmx_reconnection_timeout - integer - optional - default: 60
## @env DD_JMX_RECONNECTION_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 60
## Determines the maximum waiting period in seconds before timing up on instance reconnection.
# jmx_reconnection_timeout: 60
## @param jmx_statsd_telemetry_enabled - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_JMX_STATSD_TELEMETRY_ENABLED - boolean - optional - default: false
## Specifies whether the JMXFetch statsd client telemetry is enabled.
# jmx_statsd_telemetry_enabled: false
## Logging Configuration ##
## @param log_level - string - optional - default: info
## @env DD_LOG_LEVEL - string - optional - default: info
## Minimum log level of the Datadog Agent.
## Valid log levels are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, and off.
## Note: When using the 'off' log level, quotes are mandatory.
# log_level: 'info'
## @param log_file - string - optional
## @env DD_LOG_FILE - string - optional
## Path of the log file for the Datadog Agent.
## See https://docs.datadoghq.com/agent/guide/agent-log-files/
# log_file: <AGENT_LOG_FILE_PATH>
## @param log_format_json - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_LOG_FORMAT_JSON - boolean - optional - default: false
## Set to 'true' to output Agent logs in JSON format.
# log_format_json: false
## @param log_to_console - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_LOG_TO_CONSOLE - boolean - optional - default: true
## Set to 'false' to disable Agent logging to stdout.
# log_to_console: true
## @param disable_file_logging - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_DISABLE_FILE_LOGGING - boolean - optional - default: false
## Set to 'true' to disable logging to the log file.
# disable_file_logging: false
## @param log_file_max_size - custom - optional - default: 10MB
## @env DD_LOG_FILE_MAX_SIZE - custom - optional - default: 10MB
## Maximum size of one log file. Use either a size (e.g. 10MB) or
## provide value in bytes: 10485760
# log_file_max_size: 10MB
## @param log_file_max_rolls - integer - optional - default: 1
## @env DD_LOG_FILE_MAX_ROLLS - integer - optional - default: 1
## Maximum amount of "old" log files to keep.
## Set to 0 to not limit the number of files to create.
# log_file_max_rolls: 1
## @param log_to_syslog - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_LOG_TO_SYSLOG - boolean - optional - default: false
## Set to 'true' to enable logging to syslog.
## Note: Even if this option is set to 'false', the service launcher of your environment
## may redirect the Agent process' stdout/stderr to syslog. In that case, if you wish
## to disable logging to syslog entirely, set 'log_to_console' to 'false' as well.
# log_to_syslog: false
## @param syslog_uri - string - optional
## @env DD_SYSLOG_URI - string - optional
## Define a custom remote syslog uri if needed. If 'syslog_uri' is left undefined/empty,
## a local domain socket connection is attempted.
# syslog_uri: <SYSLOG_URI>
## @param syslog_rfc - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_SYSLOG_RFC - boolean - optional - default: false
## Set to 'true' to output in an RFC 5424-compliant format for Agent logs.
# syslog_rfc: false
## @param syslog_pem - string - optional
## @env DD_SYSLOG_PEM - string - optional
## If TLS enabled, you must specify a path to a PEM certificate here.
# syslog_pem: <PEM_CERTIFICATE_PATH>
## @param syslog_key - string - optional
## @env DD_SYSLOG_KEY - string - optional
## If TLS enabled, you must specify a path to a private key here.
# syslog_key: <PEM_KEY_PATH>
## @param syslog_tls_verify - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_SYSLOG_TLS_VERIFY - boolean - optional - default: true
## If TLS enabled, you may enforce TLS verification here.
# syslog_tls_verify: true
## @param log_format_rfc3339 - boolean - optional - default false
## @env DD_LOG_FORMAT_RFC3339 - boolean - optional - default false
## If enabled the Agent will log using the RFC3339 format for the log time.
# log_format_rfc3339: false
## @param log_all_goroutines_when_unhealthy - boolean - optional - default false
## @env DD_LOG_ALL_GOROUTINES_WHEN_UNHEALTHY - boolean - optional - default false
## If enabled, when the health probe of an internal component fails, the stack traces
## of all the goroutines are logged.
# log_all_goroutines_when_unhealthy: false
## Autoconfig Configuration ##
## @param autoconf_template_dir - string - optional - default: /datadog/check_configs
## Directory containing configuration templates for Autoconfig.
# autoconf_template_dir: /datadog/check_configs
## @param config_providers - List of custom object - optional
## @env DD_CONFIG_PROVIDERS - List of custom object - optional
## The providers the Agent should call to collect checks configurations. Available providers are:
## * kubelet - The kubelet provider handles templates embedded in pod annotations.
## * docker - The Docker provider handles templates embedded in container labels.
## * clusterchecks - The clustercheck provider retrieves cluster-level check configurations from the cluster-agent.
## * kube_services - The kube_services provider watches Kubernetes services for cluster-checks
## See https://docs.datadoghq.com/guides/autodiscovery/ to learn more
# config_providers:
# - name: kubelet
# polling: true
# - name: docker
# polling: true
# - name: clusterchecks
# grace_time_seconds: 60
# - name: etcd
# polling: true
# template_dir: /datadog/check_configs
# template_url:
# username:
# password:
# - name: consul
# polling: true
# template_dir: datadog/check_configs
# template_url:
# ca_file:
# ca_path:
# cert_file:
# key_file:
# username:
# password:
# token:
# - name: zookeeper
# polling: true
# template_dir: /datadog/check_configs
# template_url:
# username:
# password:
## @param extra_config_providers - list of strings - optional
## @env DD_EXTRA_CONFIG_PROVIDERS - space separated list of strings - optional
## Add additional config providers by name using their default settings, and pooling enabled.
## This list is available as an environment variable binding.
# extra_config_providers:
# - clusterchecks
## @param autoconfig_exclude_features - list of comma separated strings - optional
## Exclude features automatically detected and enabled by environment autodiscovery.
## Supported syntax is a list of `(<attribute>:)<regexp>`. Currently only the `name` attribute is supported.
## When no attribute is present, it defaults to `name:` attribute.
# autoconfig_exclude_features:
# - cloudfoundry
# - containerd
# - cri
# - docker
# - ecsfargate
# - eksfargate
# - kubernetes
# - orchestratorexplorer
## @param autoconfig_include_features - list of comma separated strings - optional
## Force activation of features (as if they were discovered by environment autodiscovery).
# autoconfig_include_features:
# - cloudfoundry
# - containerd
# - cri
# - docker
# - ecsfargate
# - eksfargate
# - kubernetes
# - orchestratorexplorer
## Container Autodiscovery Configuration ##
## @param container_cgroup_root - string - optional - default: /host/sys/fs/cgroup/
## @env DD_CONTAINER_CGROUP_ROOT - string - optional - default: /host/sys/fs/cgroup/
## Change the root directory to look at to get cgroup statistics.
## Default if environment variable "DOCKER_DD_AGENT" is set to "/host/sys/fs/cgroup"
## and "/sys/fs/cgroup" if not.
# container_cgroup_root: /host/sys/fs/cgroup/
## @param container_proc_root - string - optional - default: /host/proc
## @env DD_CONTAINER_PROC_ROOT - string - optional - default: /host/proc
## Change the root directory to look at to get proc statistics.
## Default if environment variable "DOCKER_DD_AGENT" is set "/host/proc" and "/proc" if not.
# container_proc_root: /host/proc
## @param listeners - list of key:value elements - optional
## @env DD_LISTENERS - list of key:value elements - optional
## Choose "auto" if you want to let the Agent find any relevant listener on your host
## At the moment, the only auto listener supported is Docker
## If you have already set Docker anywhere in the listeners, the auto listener is ignored
# listeners:
# - name: auto
# - name: docker
## @param extra_listeners - list of strings - optional
## @env DD_EXTRA_LISTENERS - space separated list of strings - optional
## You can also add additional listeners by name using their default settings.
## This list is available as an environment variable binding.
# extra_listeners:
# - kubelet
## @param ac_exclude - list of comma separated strings - optional
## @env DD_AC_EXCLUDE - list of space separated strings - optional
## Exclude containers from metrics and AD based on their name or image.
## If a container matches an exclude rule, it won't be included unless it first matches an include rule.
## An excluded container won't get any individual container metric reported for it.
## See: https://docs.datadoghq.com/agent/guide/autodiscovery-management/
# ac_exclude: []
## @param ac_include - list of comma separated strings - optional
## @env DD_AC_INCLUDE - list of space separated strings - optional
## Include containers from metrics and AD based on their name or image:
## See: https://docs.datadoghq.com/agent/guide/autodiscovery-management/
# ac_include: []
## @param exclude_pause_container - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_EXCLUDE_PAUSE_CONTAINER - boolean - optional - default: true
## Exclude default pause containers from orchestrators.
## By default the Agent doesn't monitor kubernetes/openshift pause container.
## They are still counted in the container count (just like excluded containers).
# exclude_pause_container: true
## @param docker_query_timeout - integer - optional - default: 5
## @env DD_DOCKER_QUERY_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 5
## Set the default timeout value when connecting to the Docker daemon.
# docker_query_timeout: 5
## @param ad_config_poll_interval - integer - optional - default: 10
## @env DD_AD_CONFIG_POLL_INTERVAL - integer - optional - default: 10
## The default interval in second to check for new autodiscovery configurations
## on all registered configuration providers.
# ad_config_poll_interval: 10
## @param cloud_foundry_garden - custom object - optional
## Settings for Cloudfoundry application container autodiscovery.
# cloud_foundry_garden:
## @param listen_network - string - optional - default: unix
## The network on which the garden API is listening. Possible values are `unix` or `tcp`
# listen_network: unix
## @param listen_address - string - optional - default: /var/vcap/data/garden/garden.sock
## The address on which the garden API is listening.
# listen_address: /var/vcap/data/garden/garden.sock
## Container detection ##
## @param container_cgroup_prefix - string - optional - default: /docker/
## @env DD_CONTAINER_CGROUP_PREFIX - string - optional - default: /docker/
## On hosts with mixed workloads, non-containernized processes can
## mistakenly be detected as containerized. Use this parameter to
## tune the detection logic to your system and avoid false-positives.
# container_cgroup_prefix: "/docker/"
## Docker tag extraction ##
## @param docker_labels_as_tags - map - optional
## @env DD_DOCKER_LABELS_AS_TAGS - json - optional
## The Agent can extract container label values and set them as metric tags values associated to a <TAG_KEY>.
## If you prefix your tag name with `+`, it will only be added to high cardinality metrics (Docker check).
# docker_labels_as_tags:
## @param docker_env_as_tags - map - optional
## @env DD_DOCKER_ENV_AS_TAGS - json - optional
## The Agent can extract environment variables values and set them as metric tags values associated to a <TAG_KEY>.
## If you prefix your tag name with `+`, it will only be added to high cardinality metrics (Docker check).
# docker_env_as_tags:
## Kubernetes tag extraction ##
## @param kubernetes_pod_labels_as_tags - map - optional
## @env DD_KUBERNETES_POD_LABELS_AS_TAGS - json - optional
## The Agent can extract pod labels values and set them as metric tags values associated to a <TAG_KEY>.
## If you prefix your tag name with +, it will only be added to high cardinality metrics.
# kubernetes_pod_labels_as_tags:
## @param kubernetes_pod_annotations_as_tags - map - optional
## The Agent can extract annotations values and set them as metric tags values associated to a <TAG_KEY>.
## If you prefix your tag name with +, it will only be added to high cardinality metrics.
# kubernetes_pod_annotations_as_tags:
## @param kubernetes_namespace_labels_as_tags - map - optional
## The Agent can extract namespace label values and set them as metric tags values associated to a <TAG_KEY>.
## If you prefix your tag name with +, it will only be added to high cardinality metrics.
# kubernetes_namespace_labels_as_tags:
## @param container_env_as_tags - map - optional
## @env DD_CONTAINER_ENV_AS_TAGS - map - optional
## The Agent can extract environment variable values and set them as metric tags values associated to a <TAG_KEY>.
## Requires the container runtime socket to be reachable. (Supported container runtimes: Containerd, Docker)
# container_env_as_tags:
# <ENV>: <TAG_KEY>
## @param container_labels_as_tags - map - optional
## @env DD_CONTAINER_LABELS_AS_TAGS - map - optional
## The Agent can extract container label values and set them as metric tags values associated to a <TAG_KEY>.
## If you prefix your tag name with `+`, it will only be added to high cardinality metrics. (Supported container
## runtimes: Containerd, Docker).
# container_labels_as_tags:
## ECS integration Configuration ##
## @param ecs_agent_container_name - string - optional - default: ecs-agent
## @env DD_ECS_AGENT_CONTAINER_NAME - string - optional - default: ecs-agent
## The ECS Agent container should be autodetected when running with the
## default (ecs-agent) name. If not, change the container name here:
# ecs_agent_container_name: ecs-agent
## @param ecs_agent_url - string - optional - default: http://localhost:51678
## @env DD_ECS_AGENT_URL - string - optional - default: http://localhost:51678
## The ECS Agent container should be autodetected when running with the
## default (ecs-agent) name. If not, change the container name the
## Agent should look for with ecs_agent_container_name, or force a fixed url here:
# ecs_agent_url: http://localhost:51678
## @param ecs_collect_resource_tags_ec2 - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_ECS_COLLECT_RESOURCE_TAGS_EC2 - boolean - optional - default: false
## The Agent can collect resource tags from the metadata API exposed by the
## ECS Agent for tasks scheduled with the EC2 launch type.
# ecs_collect_resource_tags_ec2: false
## @param ecs_resource_tags_replace_colon - boolean - optional - default: false
## The Agent replaces colon `:` characters in the ECS resource tag keys by underscores `_`.
# ecs_resource_tags_replace_colon: false
## @param ecs_metadata_timeout - integer - optional - default: 500
## Timeout in milliseconds on calls to the AWS ECS metadata endpoints.
# ecs_metadata_timeout: 500
## CRI integration Configuration ##
## @param cri_socket_path - string - optional - default: ""
## @env DD_CRI_SOCKET_PATH - string - optional - default: ""
## To activate the CRI check, indicate the path of the CRI socket you're using
## and mount it in the container if needed.
## If left empty, the CRI check is disabled.
## see: https://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/cri/
# cri_socket_path: ""
## @param cri_connection_timeout - integer - optional - default: 5
## @env DD_CRI_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 5
## Configure the initial connection timeout in seconds.
# cri_connection_timeout: 5
## @param cri_query_timeout - integer - optional - default: 5
## @env DD_CRI_QUERY_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 5
## Configure the timeout in seconds for querying the CRI.
# cri_query_timeout: 5
## Containerd integration Configuration ##
## @param cri_socket_path - string - optional - default: /var/run/containerd/containerd.sock
## @env DD_CRI_SOCKET_PATH - string - optional - default: /var/run/containerd/containerd.sock
## To activate the Containerd check, indicate the path of the Containerd socket you're using
## and mount it in the container if needed.
## see: https://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/containerd/
# cri_socket_path: /var/run/containerd/containerd.sock
## @param cri_query_timeout - integer - optional - default: 5
## @env DD_CRI_QUERY_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 5
## Configure the timeout in seconds for querying the Containerd API.
# cri_query_timeout: 5
## Deprecated - use `containerd_namespaces` instead
## @param containerd_namespace - list of strings - optional - default: []
## @env DD_CONTAINERD_NAMESPACE - space separated list of strings - optional - default: []
## Activating the Containerd check also activates the CRI check, as it contains an additional subset of useful metrics.
## Defaults to [] which configures the agent to report metrics and events from all the containerd namespaces.
## To watch specific namespaces, list them here.
## https://github.com/containerd/cri/blob/release/1.2/pkg/constants/constants.go#L22-L23
# containerd_namespace:
# - k8s.io
## @param containerd_namespaces - list of strings - optional - default: []
## @env DD_CONTAINERD_NAMESPACES - space separated list of strings - optional - default: []
## Activating the Containerd check also activates the CRI check, as it contains an additional subset of useful metrics.
## Defaults to [] which configures the agent to report metrics and events from all the containerd namespaces.
## containerd_namespaces acts as an alias for containerd_namespace. When both containerd_namespaces and containerd_namespace
## are configured, the Agent merges the two lists.
# containerd_namespaces:
# - k8s.io
## Kubernetes kubelet connectivity Configuration ##
## @param kubernetes_kubelet_host - string - optional
## @env DD_KUBERNETES_KUBELET_HOST - string - optional
## The kubelet host should be autodetected when running inside a pod.
## If you run into connectivity issues, set the host here according to your cluster setup.
# kubernetes_kubelet_host: <KUBLET_HOST>
## @param kubernetes_http_kubelet_port - integer - optional - default: 10255
## @env DD_KUBERNETES_HTTP_KUBELET_PORT - integer - optional - default: 10255
## The kubelet http port should be autodetected when running inside a pod.
## If you run into connectivity issues, set the http port here according to your cluster setup.
# kubernetes_http_kubelet_port: 10255
## @param kubernetes_https_kubelet_port - integer - optional - default: 10250
## @env DD_KUBERNETES_HTTPS_KUBELET_PORT - integer - optional - default: 10250
## The kubelet https port should be autodetected when running inside a pod.
## If you run into connectivity issues, set the https port here according to your cluster setup.
# kubernetes_https_kubelet_port: 10250
## @param kubelet_tls_verify - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_KUBELET_TLS_VERIFY - boolean - optional - default: true
## Set to false if you don't want the Agent to verify the kubelet's certificate when using HTTPS.
# kubelet_tls_verify: true
## @param kubelet_client_ca - string - optional - default: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
## @env DD_KUBELET_CLIENT_CA - string - optional - default: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
## Kublet client CA file path.
# kubelet_client_ca: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
## @param kubelet_auth_token_path - string - optional
## @env DD_KUBELET_AUTH_TOKEN_PATH - string - optional
## If authentication is needed, the Agent uses the pod's service account's
## credentials. If you want to use a different account, or are running the Agent
## on the host, set a custom token file path here.
# kubelet_auth_token_path: <TOKEN_FILE_PATH>
## @param kubelet_client_crt - string - optional
## @env DD_KUBELET_CLIENT_CRT - string - optional
## Set a custom Client CRT file path.
# kubelet_client_crt: <CRT_FILE_PATH>
## @param kubelet_client_key - string - optional
## @env DD_KUBELET_CLIENT_KEY - string - optional
## Set a custom Client key file path.
# kubelet_client_key: <CLIENT_KEY_FILE_PATH>
## @param kubelet_wait_on_missing_container - integer - optional - default: 0
## @env DD_KUBELET_WAIT_ON_MISSING_CONTAINER - integer - optional - default: 0
## On some kubelet versions, containers can take up to a second to
## register in the podlist. This option allows to wait for up to a given
## number of seconds (in 250ms chunks) when a container does not exist in the podlist.
# kubelet_wait_on_missing_container: 0
## @param kubelet_cache_pods_duration - integer - optional - default: 5
## @env DD_KUBELET_CACHE_PODS_DURATION - integer - optional - default: 5
## Polling frequency in seconds of the Agent to the kubelet "/pods" endpoint.
# kubelet_cache_pods_duration: 5
## @param kubernetes_pod_expiration_duration - integer - optional - default: 900
## @env DD_KUBERNETES_POD_EXPIRATION_DURATION - integer - optional - default: 900
## Set the time in second after which the Agent ignores the pods that have exited.
## Set the duration to 0 to disable this filtering.
# kubernetes_pod_expiration_duration: 900
## @param kubelet_listener_polling_interval - integer - optional - default: 5
## @env DD_KUBELET_LISTENER_POLLING_INTERVAL - integer - optional - default: 5
## Polling frequency in seconds at which autodiscovery will query the pod watcher to detect new pods/containers.
## Note that kubelet_cache_pods_duration needs to be lower than this setting, or autodiscovery will only poll more frequently the same cached data (kubelet_cache_pods_duration controls the cache refresh frequency).
# kubelet_listener_polling_interval: 5
## Kubernetes apiserver integration Configuration ##
## @param kubernetes_kubeconfig_path - string - optional - default: ""
## @env DD_KUBERNETES_KUBECONFIG_PATH - string - optional - default: ""
## When running in a pod, the Agent automatically uses the pod's service account
## to authenticate with the API server.
## Provide the path to a custom KubeConfig file if you wish to install the Agent out of a pod
## or customize connection parameters.
## See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/configure-access-multiple-clusters/
# kubernetes_kubeconfig_path: ""
## @param kubernetes_apiserver_ca_path - string - optional - default: ""
## When running in a pod, the Agent automatically uses the pod's service account CA.
## Use this option to keep using the InCluster config but overriding the default CA Path.
## This parameter has no effect if `kubernetes_kubeconfig_path` is set.
# kubernetes_apiserver_ca_path: ""
## @param kubernetes_apiserver_tls_verify - boolean - optional - default: true
## When running in a pod, the Agent automatically uses the pod's service account CA.
## Use this option to keep using the InCluster config but deactivating TLS verification (in case APIServer CA is not ServiceAccount CA)
## This parameter has no effect if `kubernetes_kubeconfig_path` is set.
# kubernetes_apiserver_tls_verify: true
## @param kubernetes_apiserver_use_protobuf - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_KUBERNETES_APISERVER_USE_PROTOBUF - boolean - optional - default: false
## By default, communication with the apiserver is in json format. Setting the following
## option to true allows communication in the binary protobuf format.
# kubernetes_apiserver_use_protobuf: false
## @param kubernetes_collect_metadata_tags - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_KUBERNETES_COLLECT_METADATA_TAGS - boolean - optional - default: true
## Set this to false to disable tag collection for the Agent.
## Note: In order to collect Kubernetes service names, the Agent needs certain rights.
## See https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/blob/main/Dockerfiles/agent/README.md#kubernetes
# kubernetes_collect_metadata_tags: true
## @param kubernetes_metadata_tag_update_freq - integer - optional - default: 60
## @env DD_KUBERNETES_METADATA_TAG_UPDATE_FREQ - integer - optional - default: 60
## Set how often in secons the Agent refreshes the internal mapping of services to ContainerIDs.
# kubernetes_metadata_tag_update_freq: 60
## @param kubernetes_apiserver_client_timeout - integer - optional - default: 10
## @env DD_KUBERNETES_APISERVER_CLIENT_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 10
## Set the timeout for the Agent when connecting to the Kubernetes API server.
# kubernetes_apiserver_client_timeout: 10
## @param collect_kubernetes_events - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_COLLECT_KUBERNETES_EVENTS - boolean - optional - default: false
## Set `collect_kubernetes_events` to true to enable log collection.
## Note: leader election must be enabled must be enabled bellow to to collect events.
## Only the leader Agent collects events.
## See https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/blob/main/Dockerfiles/agent/README.md#event-collection
# collect_kubernetes_events: false
## @param kubernetes_event_collection_timeout - integer - optional - default: 100
## @env DD_KUBERNETES_EVENT_COLLECTION_TIMEOUT - integer - optional - default: 100
## Set the timeout between two successful event collections in milliseconds.
# kubernetes_event_collection_timeout: 100
## @param leader_election - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_LEADER_ELECTION - boolean - optional - default: false
## Set the parameter to true to enable leader election on this node.
## See https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/blob/main/Dockerfiles/agent/README.md#leader-election
# leader_election: false
## @param leader_lease_duration - integer - optional - default: 60
## @env DD_LEADER_LEASE_DURATION - integer - optional - default: 60
## Set the leader election lease in seconds.
# leader_lease_duration: 60
## @param kubernetes_node_labels_as_tags - map - optional
## @env DD_KUBERNETES_NODE_LABELS_AS_TAGS - json - optional
## Configure node labels that should be collected and their name as host tags.
## Note: Some of these labels are redundant with metadata collected by cloud provider crawlers (AWS, GCE, Azure)
# kubernetes_node_labels_as_tags:
# kubernetes.io/hostname: nodename
# beta.kubernetes.io/os: os
## @param kubernetes_node_annotations_as_host_aliases - list - optional
## Configure node annotations that should be collected and used as host aliases.
# kubernetes_node_annotations_as_host_aliases:
# - cluster.k8s.io/machine
## @param cluster_name - string - optional
## @env DD_CLUSTER_NAME - string - optional
## Set a custom kubernetes cluster identifier to avoid host alias collisions.
## The cluster name can be up to 40 characters with the following restrictions:
## * Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens only.
## * Must start with a letter.
## * Must end with a number or a letter.
## These are the same rules as the ones enforced by GKE:
## https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/reference/rest/v1beta1/projects.locations.clusters#Cluster.FIELDS.name
# cluster_name: <CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER>
## @param disable_cluster_name_tag_key - boolean - optional - default: false
## Disable using the 'cluster_name' tag key to submit orchestrator cluster name tag.
## The Agent will continue sending the cluster name tag with 'kube|ecs_cluster_name' key
## regardless of the value of this parameter.
# disable_cluster_name_tag_key: false
## @param prometheus_scrape - custom object - optional
## This section configures the Autodiscovery based on the Prometheus annotations
# prometheus:
## @param enabled - boolean - optional - default: false
## Enables the prometheus config provider
# enabled: false
## @param service_endpoints - boolean - optional - default: false
## Enables Service Endpoints checks in the prometheus config provider
# service_endpoints: false
## @param checks - custom object - optional
## Defines any extra prometheus/openmetrics check configurations to be handled by the prometheus config provider
# checks: {}
## @param version - integer - optional - default: 2
## Version of the openmetrics check to be scheduled by the Prometheus auto-discovery
# version: 2
## Network Devices Configuration ##
## @param network_devices - custom object - optional
## Configuration related to Network Devices Monitoring
# network_devices:
## @param namespace - string - optional - default: default
## Namespace can be used to disambiguate devices with the same IP.
## Changing namespace will cause devices being recreated in NDM app.
## This field is used by both the SNMP check and by the traps listener.
# namespace: default
## @param snmp_traps_enabled - boolean - optional - default: false
## Set to true to enable collection of traps.
# snmp_traps_enabled: false
## @param snmp_traps_config - custom object - optional
## This section configures SNMP traps collection. Traps are forwarded as logs to Datadog.
## NOTE: This feature is currently **EXPERIMENTAL**. Both behavior and configuration options may
## change in the future.
# snmp_traps_config:
## @param port - integer - optional - default: 162
## The UDP port to use when listening for incoming trap packets.
# port: 162
## @param community_strings - list of strings - required
## A list of known SNMP community strings that devices can use to send traps to the Agent.
## Traps with an unknown community string are ignored.
## Enclose the community string with single quote like below (to avoid special characters being interpreted).
## Must be non-empty.
# community_strings:
# - '<COMMUNITY_1>'
# - '<COMMUNITY_2>'
## @param users - list of custom objects - optional
## List of SNMPv3 users that can be used to listen for traps.
## NOTE: Currently the Datadog Agent only supports having a
## single user in this list.
## Each user can contain:
## * username - string - The username used by devices when sending Traps to the Agent.
## * authKey - string - (Optional) The passphrase to use with the given user and authProtocol
## * authProtocol - string - (Optional) The authentication protocol to use when listening for traps from this user.
## Available options are: MD5, SHA, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512.
## Defaults to MD5 when authKey is set.
## * privKey - string - (Optional) The passphrase to use with the given user privacy protocol.
## * privProtocol - string - (Optional) The privacy protocol to use when listening for traps from this user.
## Available options are: DES, AES (128 bits), AES192, AES192C, AES256, AES256C.
## Defaults to DES when privKey is set.
# users:
# - username: <USERNAME>
# privKey: <PRIVACY_KEY>
# privProtocol: <PRIVACY_PROTOCOL>
## @param bind_host - string - optional
## The hostname to listen on for incoming trap packets.
## Defaults to the global `bind_host` config option value.
# bind_host: <BIND_HOST>
## stop_timeout - float - optional - default: 5.0
## The maximum number of seconds to wait for the trap server to stop when the Agent shuts down.
# stop_timeout: 5.0
## OpenTelemetry Configuration ##
## @param otlp_config - custom object - optional
## This section configures OTLP ingest in the Datadog Agent.
# otlp_config:
## @param receiver - custom object - optional
## The receiver configuration. It follows the OpenTelemetry Collector's OTLP Receiver Configuration.
## This template lists the most commonly used settings; see the OpenTelemetry Collector documentation
## for a full list of available settings:
## https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/blob/main/receiver/otlpreceiver/config.md
# receiver:
## @param protocols - custom object - optional
## Configuration for the supported protocols.
# protocols:
## @param grpc - custom object - optional
## Configuration for OTLP/gRPC listener.
## Setting this as an empty section enables the OTLP/gRPC listener with default options.
# grpc:
## @param endpoint - string - optional - default:
## @env DD_OTLP_CONFIG_RECEIVER_PROTOCOLS_GRPC_ENDPOINT - string - optional - default:
## The OTLP/gRPC listener endpoint.
# endpoint:
## @param transport - string - optional - default: tcp
## @env DD_OTLP_CONFIG_RECEIVER_PROTOCOLS_GRPC_TRANSPORT - string - optional - default: tcp
## The OTLP/gRPC listener transport protocol.
## Known protocols are "tcp", "udp", "ip", "unix", "unixgram", and "unixpacket".
# transport: tcp
## @param http - custom object - optional
## Configuration for OTLP/HTTP listener.
## Setting this as an empty section enables the OTLP/HTTP listener with default options.
# http:
## @param endpoint - string - optional - default:
## @env DD_OTLP_CONFIG_RECEIVER_PROTOCOLS_HTTP_ENDPOINT - string - optional - default:
## The OTLP/HTTP listener endpoint.
# endpoint:
## @param metrics - custom object - optional
## Metrics-specific configuration for OTLP ingest in the Datadog Agent.
## Note that these configuration options may change in future minor Agent versions.
# metrics:
## @param enabled - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_OTLP_CONFIG_METRICS_ENABLED - boolean - optional - default: true
## Whether to ingest metrics through the OTLP endpoint. Set to false to disable OTLP metrics ingest.
# enabled: true
## @param resource_attributes_as_tags - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_OTLP_CONFIG_METRICS_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES_AS_TAGS - boolean - optional - default: false
## Set to true to add all resource attributes of a metric to its metric tags.
## When set to false, only a small predefined subset of resource attributes is converted
## to metric tags.
# resource_attributes_as_tags: false
## @param instrumentation_library_metadata_as_tags - boolean - optional - default: false
## Set to true to add metadata about the instrumentation library that created a metric.
# instrumentation_library_metadata_as_tags: false
## @param tag_cardinality - string - optional - default: low
## @env DD_OTLP_CONFIG_METRICS_TAG_CARDINALITY - string - optional - default: low
## Configure the level of granularity of tags to send for OTLP metrics. Choices are:
## * low: add tags about low-cardinality objects (clusters, hosts, deployments, container images, ...)
## * orchestrator: add tags about pod, (in Kubernetes), or task (in ECS or Mesos) -level of cardinality
## * high: add tags about high-cardinality objects (individual containers, user IDs in requests, ...)
## WARNING: sending container tags for checks metrics may create more metrics
## (one per container instead of one per host). This may impact your custom metrics billing.
# tag_cardinality: low
## @param report_quantiles - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_OTLP_CONFIG_METRICS_REPORT_QUANTILES - boolean - optional - default: true
## Whether to report quantile metrics for OTLP Summary points.
## See https://docs.datadoghq.com/metrics/otlp/?tab=summary for more details.
# report_quantiles: true
## @param send_monotonic_counter - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_OTLP_CONFIG_METRICS_SEND_MONOTONIC_COUNTER - boolean - optional - default: false
## Whether to report monotonic metrics as counters or gauges (raw value).
## See https://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/guide/prometheus-metrics/#counter
## for further details.
# send_monotonic_counter: true
## @param delta_ttl - int - optional - default: 3600
## @env DD_OTLP_CONFIG_METRICS_DELTA_TTL - int - optional - default: 3600
## The amount of time (in seconds) that values are kept in memory for
## calculating deltas for cumulative monotonic metrics.
# delta_ttl: 3600
## @param histograms - custom object - optional
## Configuration for OTLP Histograms.
## See https://docs.datadoghq.com/metrics/otlp/?tab=histogram for details.
# histograms:
## @param mode - string - optional - default: distributions
## @env DD_OTLP_CONFIG_METRICS_HISTOGRAMS_MODE - string - optional - default: distributions
## How to report histograms. Valid values are:
## - `distributions` to report metrics as Datadog distributions (recommended).
## - `nobuckets` to not report bucket metrics,
## - `counters` to report one metric per histogram bucket.
# mode: distributions
## @param send_count_sum_metrics - boolean - optional - default: false
## @env DD_OTLP_CONFIG_METRICS_HISTOGRAMS_SEND_COUNT_SUM_METRICS - boolean - optional - default: false
## Whether to report sum and count as separate histogram metrics.
# send_count_sum_metrics: false
## @param traces - custom object - optional
## Traces-specific configuration for OTLP ingest in the Datadog Agent.
# traces:
## @param enabled - boolean - optional - default: true
## @env DD_OTLP_CONFIG_TRACES_ENABLED - boolean - optional - default: true
## Whether to ingest traces through the OTLP endpoint. Set to false to disable OTLP traces ingest.
# enabled: true