%-------------------------------------------------------------- %description % returns a value according to the given argumentssss %-------------------------------------------------------------- function [ret_val] = getConfiguration(argType) if(argType == 1) ret_val = 'D:\sim_results'; elseif(argType == 2) ret_val = 60 * 20; %simulation time (in seconds) elseif(argType == 3) ret_val = 50; %Number of iterations elseif(argType == 4) ret_val = 1; %x tick interval for number of mobile devices elseif(argType == 5) ret_val = {'FUZZY_BASED','UTILIZATION_BASED','NETWORK_BASED','FUZZY_COMPETITOR','HYBRID'}; elseif(argType == 6) ret_val = {'fuzzy','util.','bw','Flores*','hybrid'}; elseif(argType == 7) ret_val=[10 3 9 8]; %position of figure elseif(argType == 8) ret_val=0; %for future usage elseif(argType == 9) ret_val = 'Number of Mobile Devices'; %Common text for x axis elseif(argType == 10) ret_val = 200; %min number of mobile device elseif(argType == 11) ret_val = 200; %step size of mobile device count elseif(argType == 12) ret_val =2400; %max number of mobile device elseif(argType == 17) ret_val = 2; %xTickLabelCoefficient elseif(argType == 18) ret_val = 0; %return 1 if you want to save figure as pdf elseif(argType == 19) ret_val = 0; %return 1 if you want to plot errors elseif(argType == 20) ret_val=0; %return 1 if graph is plotted colerful elseif(argType == 21) ret_val=[0.55 0 0]; %color of first line elseif(argType == 22) ret_val=[0 0.15 0.6]; %color of second line elseif(argType == 23) ret_val=[0 0.23 0]; %color of third line elseif(argType == 24) ret_val=[0.6 0 0.6]; %color of fourth line elseif(argType == 25) ret_val=[0.08 0.08 0.08]; %color of fifth line elseif(argType == 26) ret_val=[0 0.8 0.8]; %color of sixth line elseif(argType == 27) ret_val=[0.8 0.4 0]; %color of seventh line elseif(argType == 28) ret_val=[0.8 0.8 0]; %color of eighth line elseif(argType == 40) ret_val={'-k*','-ko','-ks','-kv','-kp','-kd','-kx','-kh'}; %line style (marker) of the colerless line elseif(argType == 50) ret_val={':k*',':ko',':ks',':kv',':kp',':kd',':kx',':kh'}; %line style (marker) of the colerfull line end end