#!/bin/bash # @author: Daniel Keszei <keszei.daniel@gmail.com> # @description: Kubernetes deployer # @created: 2019-02-15 # @version: 1.0 # @origin: https://github.com/szefoka/openfaas_lab # Variable(s) # Script variable(s) PID=$$ SCRIPTNAME="$(basename $0)" WORKER_LIST="worker.list" EXTERNAL=false MASTER_IP="" TOKEN="" HASH="" # Functions function usage { cat << EOF Usage: $SCRIPTNAME [--external|-e] <CNI> --external|-e : Initizalize Kubernetes on the external network instead of on an internal one Available <CNI> plugins: * Calico * Cilium * Flannel * WeaveNet EOF } ## Send error messages to stderr function echo_err { echo "Error: $@" >&2 } function wait_for_worker { while [[ "$(kubectl get nodes | grep Ready | grep none | wc -l)" -lt 1 ]]; do sleep 1 done } function wait_for_podnetwork { #podnetwork should be running on the master and at least one worker node while [[ "$(kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep weave-net | grep Running | wc -l)" -lt 2 ]]; do sleep 1 done } # Preflight checks ## Check file from parameters if [ ! -f $WORKER_LIST ]; then echo_err "Worker list file ($WORKER_LIST) not exists." exit 1 fi ## Check the file contents if [ ! -s $WORKER_LIST ]; then echo_err "Worker list file ($WORKER_LIST) is empty." exit 1 fi ## Create array from file readarray WORKER < $WORKER_LIST ## Check for argument if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then echo_err "Missing CNI plugin name as an argument." exit 1 fi ## Check for help parameter for i in "$@" do ### Make the letters of the argument lowercase i=$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< $i) case $i in ### Print out help message help|h|-h|--help) usage; exit 0;; esac done ## Check parameters and setup variables for Kubernetes installation for i in "$@" do ### Make the letters of the argument lowercase i=$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< $i) case $i in ### Kubernetes network usage (internal|external) -e|--external) echo "# Kubernetes will be set up for external network. #"; EXTERNAL=false;; ### Set parameters for Calico calico) echo "[CNI] Calico selected..."; CNI="calico"; POD_NETWORK="";; ### Set parameters for Cilium cilium) echo "[CNI] Cilium selected..."; CNI="cilium"; POD_NETWORK="";; ### Set parameters for Flannel flannel) echo "[CNI] Flannel selected..."; CNI="flannel"; POD_NETWORK="";; ### Set parameters for WeaveNet... weavenet) echo "[CNI] WeaveNet selected..."; CNI="weavenet"; POD_NETWORK="";; ### Wrong argument, print error message *) echo_err "Unkown parameter: $i option is not valid!"; exit 1;; esac done ## Get Master node IP address if [ $EXTERNAL ]; then MASTER_IP=$(grep -oP '(?<=src )[^ ]*' \ <(grep \ -f <(ls -l /sys/class/net | grep pci | awk '{print $9}') \ <(ip ro sh) | grep -v $(ip ro sh | grep default | awk '{print $5}')) | head -1) if [ "x$MASTER_IP" == "x" ]; then EXTERNAL=false MASTER_IP=$(grep -oP '(?<=src )[^ ]*' <(ip ro sh | grep default)) fi else MASTER_IP=$(grep -oP '(?<=src )[^ ]*' <(ip ro sh | grep default)) fi ## Setup Kubernetes ./deploy/kubernetes_install.sh master $EXTERNAL $MASTER_IP $POD_NETWORK ## Install CNI Plugin ./deploy/${CNI}_setup.sh TOKEN=$(kubeadm token list | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1) HASH=sha256:$(openssl x509 -pubkey -in /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt | openssl rsa -pubin -outform der 2>/dev/null | openssl dgst -sha256 -hex | sed 's/^.* //') #FIXME Do I need local docker-registry? #./deploy/docker_registry_setup.sh $IP:5000 # Join the worker nodes for WORKERNAME in ${WORKER[@]}; do echo "[worker:$WORKERNAME] Deploying..." ssh $WORKERNAME -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" \ "bash -s" < ./deploy/kubernetes_install.sh worker $EXTERNAL $MASTER_IP:6443 $TOKEN $HASH #FIXME Do I need to wait for the worker? # wait_for_worker #FIXME Do I need local docker-registry? # ssh $WORKERNAME -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" "bash -s" < ./deploy/docker_registry_setup.sh $MASTER_IP:5000 echo "[worker:$WORKERNAME] Deployment is completed." done