wrk.method = "POST" wrk.body = "107107" done = function(summary, latency, requests) -- open output file f = io.open("result.csv", "a+") -- write below results to file -- minimum latency -- max latency -- mean of latency -- standard deviation of latency -- 50percentile latency -- 90percentile latency -- 99percentile latency -- 99.999percentile latency -- duration of the benchmark -- total requests during the benchmark -- total received bytes during the benchmark f:write(string.format("%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%d,%d,%d\n", latency.min, latency.max, latency.mean, latency.stdev, latency:percentile(50), latency:percentile(90), latency:percentile(99), latency:percentile(99.999), summary["duration"], summary["requests"], summary["bytes"])) f:close() end