import os.path import subprocess # nosec: That's the whole point of this application from flask import current_app import werkzeug.exceptions def run_abstract_converter(converter: str, source: str, destination: str, extra_args: list = None) -> int: """ Just runs a binary and gives it two arguments :param converter: the converter binary to run :param source: source file :param destination: destination file :returns: exitcode of the converter """ if not (os.path.isfile(source) and os.path.isfile(converter)): raise FileNotFoundError("Source or converter binary does not exists") if not extra_args: extra_args = [] completed_process =[converter, *extra_args, source, destination], # nosec: Concerning arguments checked above timeout=current_app.config['CONVERSION_TIMEOUT'], env={}) return completed_process.returncode def convert_caff_to_tga(source: str, destination: str): """ This function uses caff_previewer to convert a CAFF file into a TGA file :param source: path of the source TGA file (must exists) :param destination: path of the destination TGA file (will be created) """ INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES = [0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x32, 0x51] ret = run_abstract_converter(current_app.config['CAFF_PREVIEWER_BINARY'], source, destination) if ret in INTERNAL_ERROR_CODES: raise RuntimeError(f"Caff Previewer returned an unexpected error code: {ret}") elif ret != 0: raise werkzeug.exceptions.BadRequest("CAFF format violation") def convert_tga_to_png(source: str, destination: str): """ This function uses ImageMagick to convert a TGA file into a PNG file :param source: path of the source TGA file (must exists) :param destination: path of the destination TGA file (will be created) """ ret = run_abstract_converter(current_app.config['IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT_BINARY'], source, destination, ['-auto-orient']) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"Image magick convert returned an unexpected error code: {ret}")