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# Cloudflare Worker - Status Page
Monitor your websites, showcase status including daily history, and get Slack notification whenever your website status changes. Using **Cloudflare Workers**, **CRON Triggers,** and **KV storage**. Check [my status page](https://status-page.eidam.dev) out! 🚀
![Status Page](.gitbook/assets/status_page_screenshot.png)
![Slack notifications](.gitbook/assets/slack_screenshot.png)
## Pre-requisites
You'll need a [Cloudflare Workers account](https://dash.cloudflare.com/sign-up/workers) with
* A workers domain set up
* The Workers Bundled subscription \($5/mo\)
* Some websites/APIs to watch 🙂
Also, prepare the following secrets
* Cloudflare API token with `Edit Cloudflare Workers` permissions
* Slack incoming webhook \(optional\)
## Getting started
You can either deploy with **Cloudflare Deploy Button** using GitHub Actions or deploy on your own.
### Deploy with Cloudflare Deploy Button
[![Deploy to Cloudflare Workers](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/1f3d0b4d44a2c3f12c78bd02bae907169430e04d728006db9f97a4befa64c886/68747470733a2f2f6465706c6f792e776f726b6572732e636c6f7564666c6172652e636f6d2f627574746f6e3f706169643d74727565)](https://deploy.workers.cloudflare.com/?url=https://github.com/eidam/cf-workers-status-page&paid=true)
1. Click the button and follow the instructions, you should end up with a clone of this repository
2. Navigate to your new **GitHub repository > Settings > Secrets** and add the following secrets:
- Name: CF_API_TOKEN (should be added automatically)
- Name: CF_ACCOUNT_ID (should be added automatically)
- Value: your-slack-webhook-url
3. Edit [config.yaml](https://github.com/eidam/cf-workers-status-page/blob/main/config.yaml) to adjust configuration and list all of your websites/APIs you want to monitor
title: "Status Page"
url: "https://status-page.eidam.dev" # used for Slack messages
logo: logo-192x192.png # image in ./public/ folder
daysInHistogram: 90 # number of days you want to display in histogram
# configurable texts across the status page
allmonitorsOperational: "All Systems Operational"
notAllmonitorsOperational: "Not All Systems Operational"
monitorLabelOperational: "Operational"
monitorLabelNotOperational: "Not Operational"
monitorLabelNoData: "No data"
dayInHistogramNoData: "No data"
dayInHistogramOperational: "All good"
dayInHistogramNotOperational: "Some checks failed"
# list of monitors
- id: status-page-eidam-dev # unique identifier
name: Eidam's Status Page
description: 'https://status-page.eidam.dev' # default=empty
url: 'https://status-page.eidam.dev/' # URL to fetch
method: GET # default=GET
expectStatus: 200 # operational status, default=200
followRedirect: false # should fetch follow redirects, default=false
4. Push to `main` branch to trigger the deployment
5. 🎉
6. _\(optional\)_ Go to [Cloudflare Workers settings](https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/workers) and assign custom domain/route
* e.g. `status-page.eidam.dev/*` _\(make sure you include `/*` as the Worker also serve static files\)_
7. _\(optional\)_ Edit [wrangler.toml](https://github.com/eidam/cf-workers-github-releases/blob/main/wrangler.toml) to adjust Worker settings or CRON Trigger schedule
### Deploy on your own
You can clone the repository yourself and use Wrangler CLI to develop/deploy, extra list of things you need to take care of:
* create KV namespace and add the `KV_STATUS_PAGE` binding to [wrangler.toml](https://github.com/eidam/cf-workers-github-releases/blob/main/wrangler.toml)
* create Worker secrets _\(optional\)_
## Known issues
* **Max 25 monitors to watch in case you are using Slack notifications**, due to the limit of subrequests Cloudflare Worker can make \(50\).
The plan is to support up to 49 by sending only one Slack notification per scheduled run.
* **KV replication lag -** You might get Slack notification instantly, however it may take couple of more seconds to see the change on your status page as [Cron Triggers are usually running on underutilized quiet hours machines](https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-cron-triggers-for-cloudflare-workers/#how-are-you-able-to-offer-this-feature-at-no-additional-cost).